Codenamed 'Distant Worlds', this new expedition tasked all its participants to travel a route that roughly followed the original path taken by the Beagle back in 3301, this time with the added task of surveying and exploring as many worlds as possible at key locations along the way.

You Brave Explorers, the ones who fly into the wake of giants, yet blaze your own trails.Who seek to explore distant worlds, not for profit, but in the pursuit of knowledge.You who await launch at Brook's Point, Pallaeni, knowing many will fall undertaking such an endeavour. Yet take off regardless, with hope in your heart in spite of the dangers before you. You Brave Explorers, I salute you o7, each and every one. May the journey seem swift, with scoopables at every jump.And may you all find Beagles Point, or fail courageously trying.You Brave Explorers.

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EDSM provided support for the expedition by allowing members to track the fleets progress on an expedition page that showed fleet waypoint completion percentages as well as a 3D map of all distant worlders who shared trilaterated system data with EDSM.

We stand on the brink of being able to create three-dimensional maps of the atmospheres of worlds beyond the Solar System. With vertical information accessed through spectra, horizontal information through rotational/orbital flux variation, and two-dimensional images through eclipse mapping, there are methods already in place to retrieve multi-dimensional atmospheric properties of exoplanets. Current state-of-the-art observations have started to combine vertical and horizontal information through spectroscopic orbital/rotational phase curve measurements. With the launch of the James Webb Space Telescope we will soon have the precision necessary to make exquisite spectral phase curve and eclipse mapping measurements of many planets and brown dwarfs, often in just a single pass for bright targets. In addition, with new spectrographs coming online at large ground-based telescopes, high-resolution Doppler spectroscopy will be an expanding method of characterization.

Exoplanets are distant worlds that orbit stars other than our Sun. More than 370 such planets are known, and a growing fraction of them are discovered because they transit their star as seen from Earth. The special transit geometry enables us to measure masses and radii for dozens of planets, and we have identified gases in the atmospheres of several giant ones. Within the next decade, we expect to find and study a 'habitable' rocky planet transiting a cool red dwarf star close to our Sun. Eventually, we will be able to image the light from an Earth-like world orbiting a nearby solar-type star.

The European Southern Observatory's Very Large Telescope launches a Laser Guide Star into the turbulent heart of the Milky Way. To find distant and dark planets between Earth and the center of the galaxy, the Kepler space telescope will work with observatories all over the globe, using a technique called microlensing. Credit: ESO/G. Hdepohl

The majority of these exoplanets have been found snuggled up to their host star completing an orbit (or year) in hours, days or weeks, while some have been found orbiting as far as Earth is to the sun, taking one-Earth-year to circle. But, what about those worlds that orbit much farther out, such as Jupiter and Saturn, or, in some cases, free-floating exoplanets that are on their own and have no star to call home? In fact, some studies suggest that there may be more free-floating exoplanets than stars in our galaxy.

This week, NASA's K2 mission, the repurposed mission of the Kepler space telescope, and other ground-based observatories have teamed up to kick-off a global experiment in exoplanet observation. Their mission: survey millions of stars toward the center of our Milky Way galaxy in search of distant stars' planetary outposts and exoplanets wandering between the stars.

But gravity also influences light, deflecting or warping, the direction of light that passes close to massive objects. This bending effect can make gravity act as a lens, concentrating light from a distant object, just as a magnifying glass can focus the light from the sun. Scientists can take advantage of the warping effect by measuring the light of distant stars, looking for a brightening that might be caused by a massive object, such as a planet, that passes between a telescope and a distant background star. Such a detection could reveal an otherwise hidden exoplanet.

Context. Mapping distant worlds is the next frontier for exoplanet infrared (IR) photometry studies. Ultimately, constraining spatial and temporal properties of an exoplanet atmosphere (e.g., its temperature) will provide further insight into its physics. For tidally-locked hot Jupiters that transit and are eclipsed by their host star, the first steps are now possible.

In addition, the time variability of these spatial features could also be targeted. Indeed, as discussed in Rauscher et al. (2007), JWST/NIRspec performance should allow high significance detection of anomalous occultation ingress/egress based on a unique eclipse (e.g., for the grating centered at 4 tag_hash_108m). The time variability would then be assessed from the BDs derived for different occultations. In other words, the future exoplanetary-atmosphere investigations of spaced-based facilities like JWST (Clampin 2010) and EChO (Tinetti et al. 2012) could ultimately lead to time-dependent 3D maps of distant worlds.

TESS employs four wide-field cameras that were both designed, as well as built, by MIT and MIT Lincoln Lab. These should prove critical as TESS will be used to look at distant stars and seek out the tell-tale signs of exoplanets orbiting them. e24fc04721

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