Issuer discovery is OPTIONAL; if a Relying Party knows theOP's Issuer location through an out-of-band mechanism, it can skip this stepand proceed to Section 4 (Obtaining OpenID Provider Configuration Information).

Our mission is to spark a lifelong love of learning and discovery in the hearts of young people through science-based programs and exhibits that inspire and educate. Through our engaging and interactive programs, exhibits, and events, we strive to make a meaningful impact on the communities we serve and inspire the next generation of scientific thinkers.


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To get information from the other side and use it as part of your trial, you must follow court rules and ask for information and documents in writing, using a specific format. Some forms of discovery are relatively easy to do and involve using court forms with standard questions. Others are more difficult and benefit from getting assistance from a lawyer.

There are other types of discovery as well, such as requests for physical (medical) or psychiatric examination. These can be complex and expensive. You can get more information about these types of discovery from a lawyer or law library.

As part of discovery, sometimes you need to have an individual (or company) who is not a party to the case produce documents or business records. To do this, you use a subpoena.

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"As soon as you step into the waters of the Florida Keys you are in the sanctuary," said superintendent Sarah Fangman. "We have a responsibility to demonstrate how to responsively enjoy the resource, and the Eco-Discovery Center does that in an engaging way that encourages visitors to take ownership through discovery."

After the pleading step of the case is over, the next step is for both sides to collect and send each other information about the case to prepare for trial. This is called discovery. Some things to do to get ready for trial can be done on your own, like talking to people who may be your witnesses at the trial, taking pictures, or gathering certified copies of records. But most discovery is formal and has rules to follow. Call the Court and speak to a Clerk or visit a Court Help Center, if you have questions. Formal discovery requires the parties to show their evidence to each other before the trial if asked to do so. The discovery asked for must be connected to the claims in the case. Discovery information is not filed with the court.

A party can object to a discovery demand if he or she thinks that the information asked for has nothing to do with the case, or is not clear, or asks for way too much information that is not needed. The objection is made to the court by written papers called a motion or an order to show cause. The court papers should say all the reasons that the person thinks the discovery demand is wrong. The objection to discovery must be made before the time to answer the discovery demand. Read How to Ask the Court for Something to learn about motions and orders to show cause.

If a party tries to submit evidence at the trial that should have been shared with the other side during discovery, the court can refuse to allow the evidence into the case. Related Information:  Basic Steps in a Court Case How to Ask the Court for SomethingInformation Subpoena  SEARCH COURTHELP

The scope of our work ranges from knowledge generation to proof-of-concept studies in humans (or the equivalent). When possible, we aim to foster the generation of more affordable, deliverable, scalable, and sustainable versions of extant interventions. When not, we aim to drive the discovery and development of transformational advances toward impact that cannot otherwise be achieved. Key functions in support of this mission include the continuous surveying of an ever-changing scientific and technological innovation space; the catalyzing and harnessing of cutting-edge technologies both for specific initiatives and for the development of platforms that can provide cross-cutting support to drug, vaccine, and biologics discovery and translation; and the fostering of an effective ecosystem of global health innovation, funding, and partnership.

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