Partners 함께하는 분
23 DH
The Disaster Haggyo invites various partners to work together. Our collaboration to build mutual aid will continue after the Disaster Haggyo ends, including the previous partners last year as well.
Ryuma Shineha
Born in 1982, Ryuma Shineha received his Ph.D from the Graduate School of Biostudies at Kyoto University. The dissertation focused on the public engagement and media attentions concerning genetically modified organisms (GMO) in the Japanese society. After working as an assistant professor at the Graduate University for Advanced Studies (“science and society” section of the School of Advanced Sciences)and as an associate professor at Seijo University (Faculty of Art and Literature), he moved to his current position in 2020 as an associate professor in the Research Center on Ethical, Legal and Social Issues, Osaka University in 2020. His specialty is the Sociology of Science, Science & Technology Studies (STS), and Science & Technology Policy Studies. He is one of the co-editors (with Kyle Cleveland and Scott Gabriel Knowles) of Legacies of Fukushima: 3.11 in Contexts (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2021).
*Interview with Ryuma Shineha: Here
Ken Kawamura
Ken Kawamura is a specially appointed assistant professor in the Research Center on Ethical, Legal and Social Issues at Osaka University.
Robert Jacobs
Robert (Bo) Jacobs is a historian of nuclear technology and radiation technopolitics and a professor at the Hiroshima Peace Institute and the Graduate School of Peace Studies at Hiroshima City University. His work focuses on the history of radiation exposures in communities around the world from nuclear testing, production and accidents. His most recent book, Nuclear Bodies: The Global Hibakusha was published in the spring of 2022 by Yale University Press.
*His personal website: Here
Yuko Takahashi
Yuko Takahashi is an adjunct lecturer at the Department of International English, Faculty of Humanities, at Hiroshima Jogakuin University. She has studied Korean A-bomb victims crossing the geopolitical borders between Korea and Japan.
Bin Xu
Bin Xu is an associate professor in the Department of Sociology at Emory University.
His research interests are situated at two intersections. The first intersection is within the disciplinary boundary of sociology: between cultural sociology and political sociology. The second intersection is between two broader “fields”: general sociology and China studies. His primary identity is a cultural/political sociologist, but he also has enjoyed the cross-fertilization between sociology as general social science and China studies as a field of area studies. His ultimate intellectual goal is twofold: to develop generalizable knowledge without sacrificing sensitivity to context-specific processes and local knowledge; to address important public issues without losing scientific rigor and intellectual depth.
Sarah Senk
Sarah Senk is an associate professor of the Department of Culture and Communication at the California State University Maritime Academy. Her research focuses on modern and contemporary global English literature and memory studies.
Her research and teaching interests include 20th and 21st-century Anglophone writing, trauma theory, speculative fiction and film, and commemorative practices after 9/11. She reaches out to students of all abilities and personalities by illustrating how any disciplinary-specific thought isn't something natural, something that only "a literature person" is good at, but something that is learned through practice and care.
PNU SSK Living with Slow Disaster 부산대 SSK 느린 재난 연구팀
Homepage Link: Here
** Continued participation from 4.16 Sewol Ferry communities since last year.
이지성은 단원고등학교 2학년 3반 김도언 엄마이다. 4.16기억저장소 소장과 4.16민주시민교육원 기억관 운영실장을 겸직하고 있다.
이은화는 4.16민주시민교육원 기억관운영실에서 근무하고 있다. 국가, 기업, 대학 단위의 기록물을 관리한 경험으로 세월호 기록관리를 7년째 하고 있다.
4.16 가족협의회(4/16 Sewol Families for Truth and A Safer Society)
Homepage Link: Here
4.16 기억저장소 (4.16 Memory Storage)
Homepage Link: Here
Marked by COVID
Marked By Covid is the pandemic justice and remembrance movement led by Covid grievers. We’re memorializing those lost to the pandemic, documenting the preventable suffering caused by the U.S.’ pandemic response, and building the power of frontline communities.
Homepage Link: Here
Grenfell United
We are survivors and bereaved families from the Grenfell Tower fire. We have come together to demand justice and change in memory of 72 of our families and neighbours who died. We are fighting for everyone to be safe in their homes and for justice for our loved ones.
Homepage Link: Here
Disaster Researchers for Justice
Disaster Researchers for Justice (DRJ) is formed to serve as a space for global affinity groups aligned towards disaster justice.
Homepage Link: Here