The problem is that all accounts that were created before and used Kerberos/LDAP still exist but are shown as disabled and the user edit dialog doesn't let me to re-enable the user (the checkbox "disable user" is ticked and greyed out) or set the password for user.

I already disabled Kerberos completely in share-config-custom.xml because otherwise the tomcat app would not start properly without KDC access. I disabled all LDAP mentions in tomcat/shared/classes/alfresco/extension...

Disable Download In Alfresco


Seeing file names 'in the clear' is a huge security concern for the government. 

I'm looking around the menus but don't understand how to turn activity feeds off without logging in as the user and doing it for them and trusting they won't re-enable it. 

What is the best way to go in and disable this for each user? (Can it be done via Postgres?)

Now that removes any links to the page, but as the experienced Alfresco user you are, you know that you still can access the page typing the complete url to the page, for repository page it is /share/page/repository. And this is something you wanted to disable.

What you want to do is find the definition file of the page you want to disable, and copy it to site-data/pages. For the page used in this example, repository, it is tomcat/webapps/share/WEB-INF/classes/alfresco/site-data/pages/repository.xm

After copying, edit this page to be

You can of course add what ever message you like.

Then refresh your webs-scripts or restart your server, and your repository page is disabled.

For any additional page you want to disable, you can just reuse the disabled template. All you have to do is the first step and copy the page definition file, and change it to reference your new template. To know what file to copy, navigate to the page you want to disable, in the url what you find after the /page/ is usually the name of the page definition file with an xml extension.

Now, the short question is how do I install the read-only copy of Alfresco Content Services? The easy answer is the same way as you install Alfresco Content Services normally, but do not install share, and make some changes in your file.

The following lists the changes that are suggested for read-only. Please note that these settings are tested against Alfresco 5.2.4. Some of them may be different with Alfresco 6.x.

Solr is the default search / index for Alfresco 4.1.2, another way to alter index functionality is via configuration file change with each solr core in Using both the attributes below disables both content and the metadata, respectively:

I'm trying to find a way to dynamically enable/disable a "create content" menu option in the Share repository task bar. Hopefully I can create a user group that can allow use of this command, if the user isn't part of the group then the option is not displayed.

If you specify both a system handler and your own custom handler with(execute)="myCustomActionAfterDelete($event)", your handler will run after the system handlercompletes successfully. A system operation is considered successful if there are no permissionor network-related errors for the system request. You can avoid permission errors simplyby disabling an item for users who don't have permission to use it (set disableWithNoPermission="true").

You would need to cleanup the old existing objects by running a script/webscript to set the values to false in order to make them follow the versioning disablement. I don't think there is any change needed in upload functionality If i understood the query properly.

Hi cristinamr,

What changes need to be made to the file?

I saw that it is on /opt/alfresco/tomcat/webapps/alfresco/WEB-INF/lib/alfresco-repository-5.2.g.jar

In which folder structure?

In the post he quoted, he doesn't say what the changes are.

Can you tell me?

With best regards,

Jos Roberto.

I don't know what OCR you are using. If it acts on events (like node creation and update) and is synchronous, then it can cause some trouble as this rule is also synchronous and runs in transaction. Do you see any details in the repository log (alfresco.log) about the error?

Planning a alfresco area 3.2 X 8.2 and the builder is saying that for that length it would need a post halfway? Is there any way around this? Not having a post there would give flexibility for outdoor tables in what is a pretty narrow outdoor area without having to make it wider $$$_ any wisedom would be appreciated

Recall from the first tutorial that SomeCo publishes a subset of the documents in their repository to a company portal. SomeCo uses a flag on the object to keep track of which documents should be shown on the portal. In the first tutorial, that flag was set either by editing the field in the user interface or by running code. Now it is time to make it a bit more user-friendly by providing menu items in the user interface that can enable and disable the flag.

Alfresco's executer class for the Move action is called org.alfresco.repo.action.executer.MoveActionExecuter. If you have the Alfresco source you can find it in the repository project. I'll copy it into my own repository project and call it "MoveReplacedActionExecuter".

This action could be called from a rule, but SomeCo intends to configure a UI action in the user interface to allow end-users the ability to enable or disable a piece of content for display on the portal with a single click.

Now it is time to shift focus from rule actions to UI actions. SomeCo wants end-users to be able to click an item in the menu that either enables or disables the web flag. Alfresco has a framework that allows you to easily add new UI actions to the menu. You can configure:

The enable should only show up when the active flag is not set to true. The disable should only show up when the active flag is set to true. That's easy to fix with an evaluator and that's covered in the next section.

I am looking for options to close off one side of the alfresco so I can set up the barbeque/outdoor kitchen against it. The height of the alfrsco is about 3 metres. So I need to go about 1.5 metres high.

I think I might go with the stud and gybrock option as it seems less expensive and work required. Any guidance that you can provide in terms of what type of timber and water proof gybrock I can use? This is just to create a wall to close of the alfresco and also create a background for the bbq kitchen set later.

Hi folks, another useful post for your alfresco related knowledge. This time dedicated to Solr tuning tips, using this information wisely can heavily contribute to increased performance on your Solr related topics such as searching and indexing content.

Alfresco sends a secure GET request (https) to the Solr cores and Solr responds with a streaming formatted in JSON or XML with the response to the search request.

This is then interpreted by alfresco and the results are presented in a user-friendly format.

To troubleshoot your Solr search problems you should start by choosing a load testing tool such as SolrMeter or Jmeter and design your testing scenario with one of those tools. You can also choose to use the default alfresco benchmark scenario. The second step is to attach a profiler like Yourkit or other java profiler of your choice and records search performances snapshots for analysis.

Since 4.0, the behaviour enabling/disabling is recorded using reference counting, meaning that the outermost disable call in a stack has an effective veto. Use proper try-finally patterns to ensure behaviour is released after it is no longer needed. behaviourFilter.disableBehaviour(abc); try { behaviourFilter.disableBehaviour(abc); try { // Do something that might have triggered 'abc' but will not } finally { behaviourFilter.enableBehaviour(abc); } // Do something that might have triggered 'abc' but will not despite the last enable call } finally { behaviourFilter.enableBehaviour(abc); }

If you made breaking changes through Alfresco admin console (JMX) to your LDAP subsystem, and found yourself with an unusable repository and the admin console unreachable, you can solve this problem by switching back to configuration, following these steps.

This blackout browser disables the ability to capture the screen by hiding the content within the browser with, quite literally, a black box. For confidential and business-critical information, this module will block:

We handle the problem by allowing the screen capture functions to take place but disallowing the content from within our blackout browser from being sent through the buffering process. This means that anything within the browser window appears is recorded or captured as a completely blank black field. This does two things. (1) It makes the hidden content impossible to unlock via disabling a security app, and (2) it allows the system to record which users are attempting to share confidential information. The digital sharing capabilities are completely disabled.

You can use features of Docprocessor inside Alfresco platform. All you need to download and install Alfresco AMP files and to add your Docprocessor credentials to alfresco configuration file (See configuration section)

When all configuration done log into Alfresco Share and find Repository/Data Dictionary/Document Templates folder. It is for your templates. Upload new one here and point at model type to use with template (all custom types that extend cm:content are available). Also you can disable test mode here (it can be overridden on each generation).

Set properties and click save. Be careful if template is not in test mode it charges your Docprocessor credit. So you can try it in test mode at first to check that you get document that looks like you want. At this step you can enable/disable test mode just for current generation (Test mode checkbox) 2351a5e196

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