I have Finished Designing my first Crystal Report using ASP.NET, I am Providing user my own way to Print and Export report, now i need to Hide or atleast disable the default Buttons provided in Crystal reports, Is it possible to do? how?

I just found that you can change app-specific settings in the "Microsoft Mouse and Keyboard Center" program. The Windows site mentioned having to install this program, but my machine came with it loaded. I just searched "Microsoft Mouse and Keyboard Center" in the search charm. I was able to add an app-specific setting for the wheel-click to act as a middle-click instead of the "instant viewer". Hope you have the same luck.

Disable Download Button In Pdf Viewer

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Hi @jni, @talley et al.,

we face a similar situation as described here, where we would like to disable certain aspects of the shape layer (to prevent creating line or path annotations that are not supported by our tool). Are the solutions in this thread still up-to-date, or has something changed in napari since then? (I wanted to double check since you stated earlier that this may change soon).


Hello. I have created doc with some granular permission on filter and button disable (by email filtering). However the problem is that the expand row is always there and therefore I could not disable user from open the row and edit information inside the row.

And for users that you do want to be able to open the row, allow them to access the modal view via a button, using the open row function, which utilizes the ViewOrLayout: parameter referencing a different view with visible columns.

I have a "Next" button I have created using a Smart Shape. I would like the "Next" button to be viewable, however, I would like it to be "Disabled" until the user completes 100% of viewing the slide - then, I would like this button to be enabled to move onto the next slide.

Is the Next button the only interactive object on that slide? Do you want that situation each time when the slide is visited, or can the slide be visited only once? You didn't mention the version you are using, whivh is essentail information, because some commands are recent, and the AA dialog box changed with CP2017.

If the Next button is the only interactive object, and there is no playbar, you have to look how long the Next button has to be disable. I will indicate this as x seconds. Create an advanced (or better a shared action), that you trigger with the On Enter event of the slide:

Personally I don't like to show a Next button to the learner that cannot be clicked, but that is up to you. These blog posts explain how to create a situation where the view of the slide is forced on first visit, but not on later visits:

I had set up a pause, back, and play button as well. i do not have the playbar enabled because when I upload into Captivate prime, the playbar disappears because of the prime play at which allows a user to navigate between modules within a course. So, I had to make my own player controls according to my adobe account rep.

Easiest way is by using the timeline and start the timeline of the Next button when all objects have appeared and/or the audio is finished. Problem is when you want to allow to revisit the slide, but not having the learner waiting unitl the Next button appears. Have some workarounds for that as well, here is the most recent one:


Is it possible to disable the 'submit' button on the player? here's my scenario:

After a learner has done with his/her options in a quiz slide then the next thing to do is to click the submit button on the player, right?. and then the default feedback popup will appear saying if attempt was correct or not, I noticed that these feedback layers can disable the 'submit' button on the player and now I am wondering if it is possible to that as well on normal layers?

The reason why I need this is because I changed the trigger setup on the 'Continue' buttons of the feedback layers to show another layer (another layer that shows the correct answers with additional educational information) and insert my own custom 'next slide' button on it, but these normal layers will let buttons on the player working again... such as the case with the 'submit' button which should not be clicked anymore.

So can I have normal layers to disable buttons on the player just like the quiz feedback layers do but via a trigger setup?

Since the feedback layers seems by default disables the submit button on the player, I thought about duplicating it and put the elements I wanted to appear in it. And so I duplicated the 'Correct' feedback layer, then I modified its 'Layout' to blank, renamed it. I copied and pasted the elements to it, I tested it and there the submit button is not clickable anymore which is what I want.

Here's a screenshot of the duplicated feedback layer with submit button being greyed out: 

I'm not sure if it will affect storyline's flow in any way. I hope not. If you think so, please shed some light here.

There isn't a way to trigger the buttons on the player to be disabled, but you could modify this method to disable the buttons until a user has interacted with all elements. You can also choose to remove the built in player buttons on a slide by slide basis.

Thank you for the response, though I feel that the solution I've found is not in anyway a native functioning in Storyline I did tested it many times and it seems to work very well for the purpose.

On a side note, I mentioned something about HTML5 issue regarding result slides can force a bug to its successor slides, I just found out that is has been fixed for HTML5 in the Update no.5 release. That's good news, however I will stick to my new method of showing 'correction slide' for now.

As for the adding trigger to make buttons on the player inactive, I hope it will be a future addition to storyline, it can be very powerful for some situations.


i have been using the duplication of the feedback layers method too and it works fine on the PC/laptop. However when playing the same output on the mobile player, did you notice the submit button does not grey-out?

I'm new to Jasper reports. I'm using iReport to design a report and from my application, I'm trying to load the report. By default, when the report is viewed in the report viewer, the save button is enabled. Is there any way to disbale or hide the save button in the viewer?

I'm exporting the report to PDF and viewing them in browser. For some of the reports, the save functionality needs to be disabled. Does the designer(iReport or JasperAssistant) have any options to disable/hide save button for reports? Or does Jasper provides any functions/classes to do it programatically so that when the report is viewed in browser(in PDF), the save button is disbaled?

Is it possible to disable the maximize/minimize/disconnect button from the top bar after that appears after connecting to any VM? I'm using VMWare View client 4.6. If you need more info, please let me know. Thanks,

I've gone through the client configuration settings available through GPO from the following documentation. Unless I missed somehow, it doesn't have any setting that can control the minimize/close button on the client.

I'd still like the menubar on the top. I guess what I'm looking for is something similar to the policy "Pin the shade" but for the other buttons on the menubar. But looks like there is no such policy that can enable/disable the minimize or maximize or disconnect button.

What if you need the shade menu bar? I need it to allow workstations to use a USB device and connect to it when plugged into the workstation. Is there a way of doing that without the shade bar? Can just the Close Button be disabled? LIke everyone else I too have issues when users do not log out of their session including hanging application functions used through the VDI.

Right-click on the buttons you want to disable and select "View source". Find the tag_hash_108 that contains the button and add used the enabledIf attribute to enable the container only if users have a certain named right.

Were you able to resolve this? We are trying to disable the CREATE button on Homepage for all entities as we have provided Read-Only access to business users and while they try to create any campaign / offer the folder structure is slightly different when compared to explorer view.

If you need more customization of the viewer UI than the initialization API allows, you can always perform your own custom build of the viewer after modifying the original HTML templates. To do this, you will need the source code for the client viewer build, available at -viewer.

If you wanted to remove the printing button from the UI in this way, you would need to modify src/templates/viewerTemplate.html, removing the element with the attribute data-pcc-print="launch". NOTE: Refer to the Customizing the Viewer section for details on using the viewerTemplate.html.

Hi Zach can you show/hide or enable disable a button from code in a Snippet that you are aware of.

The button I want to hide/show has an action type custom, as I want to use the button to close the popup, thanks.


The 'Save' button is inactive in ArcGIS Online Map Viewer when editing hosted feature layers not owned by the user in ArcGIS online. Cause The issue occurs when a member of a group attempts to edit hosted feature layers outside of the group. There are two scenarios where the Save button is inactive when editing a hosted feature layer: ff782bc1db

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