
Module 1: The Phenomenon of Religion

This course deals with the nature, history and social influence of religious belief and practice. The course will explore themes such as- the basic characteristics of religion as a social phenomenon, the various forms of religious expression, how religions have originated and influenced one another, the need for interpretation and reform in religious traditions.

Department: Inter-Religious Studies [DIRS]

Conceived and Designed by Dr. (Fr.) Keith D’Souza, SJ and Ms. Shilpa Chheda

Coordinator: Ms. Shilpa Chheda [Heras Institute]

Platform: Classes will be conducted online.

Duration:  4th July to 21st July 2023 [Tuesday and Friday from 6.00 to 8.00 p.m.]

Hours: 16 hours

Topics covered in this Module are as follows:

Fees:   i          Xavier’s students: 500/-

ii       Other students: 500/- plus GST- 90/-

iii     General Public/Professionals: 1,000/- plus GST- 180/-

iv      Retired Senior Citizens: 500/- plus GST- 90/-

Eligibility: Higher Secondary School Certificate

Evaluation:  Xavier's Honour's students will need to submit an assignment of between 1,000-1,500 words.

Module 2: Vedic Tradition and Orthodox / Astika Philosophy

Introduction to the Vedic view of life. Concepts of Rta-Rna, varna, dharma, ashrama, purusartha. Introduction to Vedic literature: Samhitas, Brahmanas, Aranyakas, Upanishads. Transition from the cultic to the philosophical. Development into six major schools of philosophy (darsanas).

Department: Inter-Religious Studies [DIRS]

Conceived and Designed by Dr. (Fr.) Keith D’Souza, SJ and Ms. Shilpa Chheda

Coordinator: Ms. Shilpa Chheda [Heras Institute]

Platform: Classes will be conducted online.

Duration:  3rd August to 27th August 2021 [Tuesday and Friday from 5.00 to 7.00 p.m.]

Hours: 16 hours

Fees:   i           Xavier’s students: 500/-

ii       Other students: 500/- plus GST- 90/-

iii     General Public/Professionals: 1,000/- plus GST- 180/-

iv      Retired Senior Citizens: 500/- plus GST- 90/-

Eligibility: Higher Secondary School Certificate

Evaluation:  Xavier's Honour's students will need to submit an assignment of between 1,000-1,500 words.

Module 3: Jain, Buddhist and Charvak traditions

Evolution of Sramana tradition as opposed to the Vedic tradition. Sixth century BCE socio-political reforms—formation of various traditions, kingdoms and oligarchies. Exposition of the three Sramanic traditions, viz. Jain, Buddhist and Charvak traditions.

Department: Inter-Religious Studies [DIRS]

Conceived and Designed by Dr. (Fr.) Keith D’Souza, SJ and Ms. Shilpa Chheda

Coordinator: Ms. Shilpa Chheda [Heras Institute]

Platform: Classes will be conducted online.

Duration:  31st August to 24th September 2021 [Tuesday and Friday from 5.00 to 7.00 p.m.]

Hours: 16 hours

Fees:   i           Xavier’s students: 500/-

ii       Other students: 500/- plus GST- 90/-

iii     General Public/Professionals: 1,000/- plus GST- 180/-

iv      Retired Senior Citizens: 500/- plus GST- 90/-

Eligibility: Higher Secondary School Certificate

Evaluation:  Xavier's Honour's students will need to submit an assignment of between 1,000-1,500 words.

Module 4: Bhakti and Sikh traditions

Bhakti as a path to liberation during the Medieval Period. The development of rational and empirical mysticism during this period. Introduction to the Sikh tradition, which is an amalgamation of the Vedic, Sramanic, Bhakti and Islamic traditions. The ten Gurus and the Grant Sahib.

Department: Inter-Religious Studies [DIRS]

Conceived and Designed by Dr. (Fr.) Keith D’Souza, SJ and Ms. Shilpa Chheda

Coordinator: Ms. Shilpa Chheda [Heras Institute]

Platform: Classes will be conducted online.

Duration:  12th September to 29th September 2023 [Tuesday and Friday from 6.00 to 8.00 p.m.]

Hours: 12 hours

Fees:   i           Xavier’s students: 500/-

ii       Other students: 500/- plus GST- 90/-

iii     General Public/Professionals: 1,000/- plus GST- 180/-

iv      Retired Senior Citizens: 500/- plus GST- 90/-

Eligibility: Higher Secondary School Certificate

Evaluation:  Xavier's Honour's students will need to submit an assignment of between 1,000-1,500 words.

Module 5: Indigenous traditions 

Primal and nature-attuned religious expression. Orality, narrativity and aesthetics as communicative means. Community-based identity. Significance of totems. Generalities and divergences between global indigenous traditions. Raimundo Panikkar’s “cosmotheandric wisdom” as a template for indigeneous spiritualities.

Department: Inter-Religious Studies [DIRS]

Conceived and Designed by Dr. (Fr.) Keith D’Souza, SJ and Ms. Shilpa Chheda

Coordinator: Ms. Shilpa Chheda [Heras Institute]

Platform: Classes will be conducted online.

Duration: 14th November 2023 to 1st December 2024 [Tuesday and Friday from 6.00 to 8.00 p.m.]

Hours: 16 hours

Fees:   i           Xavier’s students: 500/-

ii       Other students: 500/- plus GST- 90/-

iii     General Public/Professionals: 1,000/- plus GST- 180/-

iv      Retired Senior Citizens: 500/- plus GST- 90/-

Eligibility: Higher Secondary School Certificate

Evaluation:  Xavier's Honour's students will need to submit an assignment of between 1,000-1,500 words.

Module 6: Jewish and Christian traditions

Distinctiveness of the Abrahamic traditions. Monotheism and the significance of the prophets. The leadership and vision of Moses and Jesus. Notion of a covenantal faith and types of covenants. Two foundational moments: Exodus and the Resurrection. Creation and redemption. Jewish and Christian canons [revealed and authoritative texts]. Calendar and festivals. Influence of Zoroastrianism on Judaism and Christianity, and the latter’s influence on Islam.

Department: Inter-Religious Studies [DIRS]

Conceived and Designed by Dr. (Fr.) Keith D’Souza, SJ and Ms. Shilpa Chheda

Coordinator: Ms. Shilpa Chheda [Heras Institute]

Platform: Classes will be conducted online.

Duration:  5th December to 13th December 2023 [Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday from 6.00 to 8.00 p.m.]

Hours: 10 hours

Fees:   i           Xavier’s students: 500/-

ii       Other students: 500/- plus GST- 90/-

iii     General Public/Professionals: 1,000/- plus GST- 180/-

iv      Retired Senior Citizens: 500/- plus GST- 90/-

Eligibility: Higher Secondary School Certificate

Evaluation:  Xavier's Honour's students will need to submit an assignment of between 1,000-1,500 words.

Module 7: Zoroastrian, Islamic and Bahai traditions

Zoroastrian tradition as the oldest tradition in West Asia. The beginnings of monotheism. Belief in Ahura Mazda. The teachings of prophet Zarathustra. Influence on Judaism, and thereby Christianity and Islam.  Islam as the religion propounded by Prophet Muhammad. A development of the Jewish and Christian traditions. Bahai faith started by Bahaullah in Iran. A development or synthesis of Islam and other traditions.

Department: Inter-Religious Studies [DIRS]

Conceived and Designed by Dr. (Fr.) Keith D’Souza, SJ and Ms. Shilpa Chheda

Coordinator: Ms. Shilpa Chheda [Heras Institute]

Platform: Classes will be conducted online.

Duration:  4th January to 28th January 2022 [Tuesday and Friday from 5.00 to 7.00 p.m.]

Hours: 16 hours

Fees:   i           Xavier’s students: 500/-

ii       Other students: 500/- plus GST- 90/-

iii     General Public/Professionals: 1,000/- plus GST- 180/-

iv      Retired Senior Citizens: 500/- plus GST- 90/-

Eligibility: Higher Secondary School Certificate

Evaluation:  Xavier's Honour's students will need to submit an assignment of between 1,000-1,500 words.

Module 8: Inter-Religious Confluence [sangam]

Similarities and differences between different religious traditions. The influence of religions on one another. Instances of, and possibilities for mutual fecundity. The need for inter-religious dialogue. The necessity for a reinterpretation of religious traditions. The possibility of a religion-influenced global ethics. A common charter for compassion. The role of religion in contributing towards civic harmony. 

Department: Inter-Religious Studies [DIRS]

Conceived and Designed by Dr. (Fr.) Keith D’Souza, SJ and Ms. Shilpa Chheda

Coordinator: Ms. Shilpa Chheda [Heras Institute]

Platform: Classes will be conducted online.

Duration:  1st February to 25th February 2022 [Tuesday and Friday from 5.00 to 7.00 p.m.]

Hours: 16 hours

Fees:   i           Xavier’s students: 500/-

ii       Other students: 500/- plus GST- 90/-

iii     General Public/Professionals: 1,000/- plus GST- 180/-

iv      Retired Senior Citizens: 500/- plus GST- 90/-

Eligibility: Higher Secondary School Certificate

Evaluation:  Xavier's Honour's students will need to submit an assignment of between 1,000-1,500 words.

Template for Modules 2 to 7:

Each module will comprise of the following presentational structure:

1. Exposition of the origins of the particular religious tradition/s: history, literature, metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, socio-cultural features.

2. Overview of the subsequent interpretations, developments, and sub-divisions of the tradition/s.

3. A critique of the tradition/s in the light of contemporary contexts, and various challenges that need to be addressed.

4. Future (trajectorial) possibilities of the development of the tradition/s.