Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

This privacy policy governs the terms of use for the WAPN application provided by StepWell and the relationship between users and the company.

Collected Information

The application may collect users' personal information such as name, surname, mailing address, email address, phone number, geographic location data, device ID, and automatically gathered data like IP address, browser type, visited pages during app usage.

Use of Personal Data

Collected personal information may be used for improving user experience, providing services, customer support, analytics, advertising, marketing activities, security measures, among other purposes. This information will not be shared with third parties without user consent.

Orders and Payments

For orders placed through the application, users may be required to provide details such as name, credit card information for payments, and other necessary information for order processing, payment completion, and customer support.

Subscriptions and Refund Policy

Regarding in-app subscriptions, users will be informed about subscription processes and refund policies. Refund conditions may vary based on the subscription type, duration, and general terms.

Security and Data Protection

Necessary technical and administrative measures are taken to ensure the security of personal data. These measures are implemented to prevent data loss, unauthorized access, or misuse.

Cookies and Tracking Technologies

The application may use cookies and similar tracking technologies to remember user preferences, engage in advertising activities, or analyze user behaviors. Users can manage cookie preferences through browser settings.

Changes and Communication

This policy may be updated periodically, and changes will be posted here. Users are advised to periodically visit this page to follow current policies. For any questions, feedback, or concerns regarding data usage, users can contact us at

This privacy policy was revised on January 7, 2024.