Get Connected!
ConnectMeDHAD is a Direction Home technology program to help strengthen community and reduce loneliness and isolation. Through ConnectMeDHAD, Direction Home is your partner helping you reach individual goals and achieve learning successes.
What is ConnectMeDHAD?
ConnectMeDHAD provides community members with a pre-loaded tablet, helpful Internet links and apps, instructional guides with picture walkthroughs, and even peer support to offer ongoing one-on-one assistance over the phone or in-person.
This program is perfect for older adults that need digital inclusion services that: need help with current devices/learning new skills, have limited wifi access, and those that receive a tablet cannot have free access to any other tablet or computer/the funds to attain one.
How do I apply for ConnectMeDHAD?
Direction Home Akron Canton anticipates having funds for 2025 for Summit County residents ages 60 and older who are NOT eligible for Medicaid and not in current possession of a fully functional laptop, computer, or tablet (having a smartphone does not disqualify individuals).
To be put on the waiting list to potentially receive a device, you can email Direction Home's Digital Navigator at or call Direction Home's Aging & Disability Resource Center (877-770-5558) for a free screening.