Research Interests

Theoretical computer science; more specifically, algorithms on large data sets, sublinear algorithms, approximation algorithms, graph algorithms, and data structures.

Brief Bio: I did my PhD from Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur under the supervision of Prof. Manindra Agrawal and Prof. Satyadev Nandakumar. After that I spent two years at Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic as a post-doctoral fellow hosted by Prof. Michal Koucky, and then almost a year at Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel as a post-doctoral fellow hosted by Prof. Robert Krauthgamer.


Other Technical Reports:

Open Positions

Multiple Ph.D. Openings: Currently, I am looking for highly motivated Ph.D. students. If you are interested, please write to me to schedule a meeting and discuss. Note candidates need to get admission to the School of Computing. For detailed information regarding the admission procedure, see here. International students can also apply for the SINGA award

Internship Opportunity: I am happy to invite graduate students for short-term internship positions. If you are interested, please email me along with your cv.

Contact Address


School of Computing,

National University of Singapore,

11 Research Link, Singapore 119391.

Email: <firstname> at comp dot nus dot edu dot sg 


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