Dimitrios Argyros
Welcome to my website!
I am a PhD candidate in Economics at University College Dublin supervised by Benjamin Elsner. I am currently visiting Aix-en-Marseille School of Economics hosted by Roberta Ziparo. From October 2024 - December 2024 I will be visiting University of Pennsylvania's Population Studies Center hosted by Hans-Peter Kohler.
I am an applied microeconomist focusing on: Development Economics, Health Economics, Family Economics. My current work is centered around the following thematics :
The role of access to finance as a determinant of household and children well-being in developping countries
The economic determinants of fertility decisions
The role of subjective expectations about health on household consumption and saving behaviour in rural poor communities
I am also interested on : the interplay between institutional quality and gender norms, migration and intergenerational transmission of health. For more information about my research you can look here.
I hold a MSc in Economics from the University of Warwick and an MSc in Finance from the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens.
I am a co-organizer of the Young Irish Economists Seminar Series (YIESS) a platform aiming at bringing together young economists across Ireland and beyond to present their work and engage in a vibrant research community.
I am funded by the Irish Research Council.
You can look at my CV here.
You can contact me at: dimitrios.argyros@ucdconnect.ie