Sonda bir daha nzriniz atdrmaq istyirik ki, Dvlt mtahan Mrkzinin (DM) ingilis dili il bal ap etdiyi proqram, Azrbaycan Respublikas Thsil Nazirliyinin orta mktblr n ap etdiyi drsliklrin materiallar v Kaspi Thsil irktinin mllimlrinin uzun illr rzind ld etdiyi zngin tcrb sasnda rsy glmi nrlrimizin hatli, mqsduyun, daha grkli olacana mid edirik.

A conference call (sometimes called an audio teleconference or ATC) is a telephone call in which someone talks to several people at the same time. The conference call may be designed to allow the called party to participate during the call or set up so that the called party merely listens into the call and cannot speak.

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Conference calls are increasingly used in conjunction with web conferences, where presentations or documents are shared via the internet. This allows people on the call to view content such as corporate reports, sales figures and company data presented by one of the participants. The main benefit is that the presenter of the document can give clear explanations about details within the document, while others simultaneously view the presentation. Care should be taken not to mix video and audio source on the same network since the video feed can cause interruptions on sound quality.

Conference calls are also beginning to cross over into the world of podcasting and social networking, which in turn fosters new kinds of interaction patterns. Live streaming or broadcasting of conference calls allows a larger audience access to the call without dialing into a bridge. In addition, organizers of conference calls can publish a dial-in number alongside the audio stream, creating potential for audience members to dial in and interact.

This article discusses the role and functions of digital educational resources, multimedia presentations, Internet resources, electronic encyclopedias, didactic materials, and video and audio materials in the teaching of biology. In biology, the use of information and communication technologies is shown to ensure the effectiveness of the teaching process. e24fc04721

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