Data Intelligence Lab
[2025-J-1] [JCR JIF Top 5%] Hyunwook. Yu, Yejin. Cho, Geunchul. Park, Mucheol. Kim, KRongBERT: Enhanced factorization-based morphological approach for the Korean pretrained language model, Information Processing and Management, Vol.62, No.3, pp. 104072, 2025, DOI:10.1016/j.ipm.2025.104072 [KIAT-2020][IITP-2024]
[2024-J-1] [Q4-JCR2023] Hyonjun. Kang, Kwangyoung. Kim, Myungseok. Yang, Ka. Lok. Man, Mucheol. Kim, "Crowd-movement-based Geofence-construction method for urban flood response," KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, Vol.18, No.3, pp. 3470-3490, 2024. DOI: 10.3837/tiis.2024.12.007. [KISTI-2023][KIAT-2020]
[2024-C-1] Hyunwook. Yu, Suhyeon. Sin, J. Heo, H.Shin, Hyosu. Kim, Mucheol. Kim, Action-Concentrated Embedding Framework: This is your captain sign-tokening, LREC-COLING 2024, 2024
[2023-J-4] [Q2-JCR2021] Mincheol. Shin, G. Park, A. Abraham, Mucheol. Kim, Adaptive variable sampling model for performance analysis in high-performance computing environments, Heliyon,vol 9(6), e16777, 2023 [KIAT-2020][NRF-2021]
[2023-J-3] [Q1-JCR2021] Jiho. Kim, S. Park, Mucheol. Kim, Safety map: Disaster management road network for urban resilience, Sustainable Cities and Society, vol. 96(2023), 104650, 2023, [KIAT-2020]
[2023-J-2] [Q1-JCR2021] Jiwon. Jeon, Junho. Kim, Mincheol. Shin, Mucheol. Kim, A Blockchain -Based Trust Model for Supporting Collaborative Healthcare Data Management, Computer Systems Science and Engineering, Computer Systems Science and Engineering, Vol.46, No.3, pp. 3403-3421, 2023, DOI:10.32604/csse.2023.036658 [KHIDI-2019][KIAT-2020]
[2023-J-1] [Q2-JCR2021] Taeyoung. Choe, Jiho. Kim, Mincheol. Shin, G. Kim, Mucheol. Kim, Complex Disaster Response Framework to Reduce Urban Disaster Vulnerability, Science Progress, 106(1), 00368504231152770 [KIAT-20][KISTI-19][CAU-2021]
(2024.02) 유현욱 박사과정 자연어처리 분야 최우수 학술대회 COLING Accept
(2023.09) 조용문 석사과정 KTR(한국화학융합시험연구원) 입소
(2024.02) 학부연구생 조예진(SW18) University of Southern California 석사과정 입학 예정
(2022.12) 김준호 박사과정 한국인터넷진흥원 입소
(2022.10) 전지원 석사과정 TmaxSoft 입사
(2022.10) 학부연구생 박은서(SW18) 국가 공무원 5급 기술직(전산개발) 최종 합격
We are looking for highly-motivated researchers(B.S, M.S, Ph.D, PostDoc) who are A in Data Science.
Problem Solving? Problem Finding with a data-centric perspective!
Language Model
Language is created for human communication. Text, the product of language, is a tool for writing. It expresses the emotions and opinions of the crowd, and conveys knowledge and documents produced in history. We study a language model that can mine and reproduce the value hidden in these texts, and find a way to apply it to the types of services needed by modern humanity.
Running Service:
Deep Learning on Graphs
The expressive power of deep learning is well known for extracting complex patterns from a variety of data. On the other hand, graphs in the real world can represent objects and their relationships in varied domains, including social networks, biology networks, traffic networks, and so on. We express various phenomena in the real world using graphs and explore new insights by analytic approaches.
Disaster Management
The pattern of complex disasters has spread rapidly, especially in urban areas where most of the population resides, causing significant damage to communities. An extreme disaster increases the vulnerability of a city and causes many casualties, negatively impacting the resilience of local communities. For cities to respond to and recover from disaster shocks, it is necessary to construct an emergency response system or a disaster response plan with the effect of social systems. Therefore, we study how to restore the resilience of cities by applying CS based problem-solving methods such as optimization algorithms and collective intelligence.