The anti-party then jumps to the conclusion that divyam jnanam (divine knowledge) means ekadasa-bhava (siddha-pranali), the knowledge of one's form as a gopi, dress, residence, etc. How-ever, this divine knowledge revealed by the guru at the time of giving diksha (as stated in Bhakti-sandarbha) is actually a reference to receiving proper understanding of the mantras for worship such as upanayana-samskara (brahma-gayatri), guru mantra and gayatri, gaura-mantra and gayatri, gopala-mantra, and kama-gayatri. There is no suitable support for ekadasa-bhava found in the above quoted verse. For a thorough understanding of this subject (revealing the meaning of the mantra receiving divyam jnanam) one should read the book Sri Gayatri Mantrartha Dipika published by Gosai Publishers."

"Diksha isthe process by which one can awaken his transcendentalknowledge and vanquish all reactions caused by sinful activity. Aperson expert in the study of the revealed scriptures knows thisprocess as diksha." The regulative principles of dikshaare explainedin the Hari-bhakti-vilasa (2.3,4) and in Bhakti-sandarbha(283). Asstated:

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In his Upadeshamrita, Srila RupaGosvami states: krishneti yasya giritam manasadriyeta dikshasti chet. Anadvanced devotee should respect a person who has been initiated by abona fide spiritual master and who is situated on the transcendentalplatform, chanting the holy name with faith and obeisances andfollowing the instructions of the spiritual master. SrilaBhaktivinoda Thakura comments that servingVaishnavas is most important for householders. Whether aVaishnava is properly initiated or not is not a subject forconsideration. One may be initiated and yet contaminated by theMayavada philosophy, but a person who chants the holyname of the Lord offenselessly will not be so contaminated. A properlyinitiated Vaishnava may be imperfect, but one who chants theholy name of the Lord offenselessly is all-perfect. Although he mayapparently be a neophyte, he still has to be considered a pureunalloyed Vaishnava. It is the duty of the householder tooffer respects to such an unalloyed Vaishnava. This is Sri ChaitanyaMahaprabhu's instruction.

The candidate for diksha sits in the sacred space created just beside Sri Guru and Thakuraji Sri Krishna. It is confidential time; private, personal and intimate; hearts exchanging surrender and mercy, shishya sharanagati and Guru krpa.

As you read on, you will discover how personal and divinely endearing the timeless tradition of diksha is. According to shastra all Vaisnavas receive diksa by observing the pancha samskara process, or five rites.

Samskaras, which are purifying processes and rites used to sanctify the human body, are practiced in every religion in every country. For the last five hundred years of Gaudiya Vaisnavism, the pancha samskara process has been used by gurus to give diksha to worthy candidates. Acharyas Madhva and Ramanuja established it in their sampradayas. The Gaudiya Vaisnava sampradaya and practically all Vaisnava sects give diksha using the pancha samskara process.

This article will cite shastric evidence for the practice; describe the pancha samskara process and its application in the Gaudiya diksha tradition; and quote Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura to highlight the absolute necessity of undergoing the pancha samskara process.

The process entails receiving the five marks of Vaisnava diksha: (1) Tapah (austerity i.e. follow the 4 niyamas, fasting etc.); (2) Pundram (tilaka); (3) Nama (accepting a new name i.e. Krishna dasa or Radhika dasi) ed. also includes receiving from Sri Guru the Hare Krishna mantra in the right ear; 4) Mantra (receiving the diksha mantra from Sri Guru in the right ear) ed. for Gaudiya Vaisnavas this means Gopala mantra and Kama Gayatri); 5) Yaga means yajna (homa, fire sacrifice) for some, but for most others it means Sri Murti puja and the nama-yajna of japa and sankirtana of the Hare Krishna Maha Mantra.

In the pancha samskara process Sri Guru and the disciple will sit physically together in the presence of Thakuraji i.e. the murti of Bhagavan Sri Krishna in one of His many beautiful forms. Then Sri Guru will personally administer the five marks of a Vaisnava (pancha samskaras) to his disciple. In addition to the pancha samskaras, a few other procedures are followed to complete the Gaudiya Vaisnava diksha function.

The rite of atma samarpanam is done by the disciple falling at the feet of his Guru during diksha to express his atma samarpana, or the surrender of his entire being in the seva of Sri Guru and Sri Krishna.

This is the process of Gaudiya Vaisnava diksha. From the above description, one can see that diksha is a very personal and intimate spiritual function between the merciful Sri Guru and his surrendered disciple. When one follows this process, he genuinely feels transformed, purified and elevated. Indeed, he becomes a spiritual being qualified to serve the lotus feet of Sri Sri Radha-Krishna right here right now. And soon not too far in the future that fortunate soul will attain Krishna prema, and go to Sridhama Goloka Vrindavana in the spiritual sky. 006ab0faaa

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