This is a Digital Breakout template. Replace this text with a scenario that engages students in the task of breaking the locks. This is a great opportunity for teachers to get creative! Look at this breakout for an example.

Click through the links at the top of the site to explore this breakout. Other great G Suite tools to embed include Google Maps My Maps and Google Sheets. Have a look at Justin Birckbichler's innovative way to use Google Sheets in digital breakouts.

To effectively use this template, please make copies of the files in this Google Drive folder.

When making a digital breakout, keep the design simple to not overwhelm students - just a few elements on each page. Canva is a great (free) website to make images for this purpose. The header image of this site was designed in Canva. It is 280 pixels high and 767 pixels wide.

Be sure to check out Justin Birckbichler's and Mari Venturino's Digital Breakout video tutorials as well.

Inspired by James Sanders, Mark Hammons, as well as

by Justin Birckbichler's and Mari Venturino's work at DigitalBreakout.

(c) 2016 Tom Mullaney. E-mail with questions.

Delete the line above and replace with your information.