The issue seems to happen most often on a windows 7 OS. The camera will work fine for a little while then windows will call it an unknown device some point down the road when you plug it back in. (after a random number of times of unplugging it and replugging it in to the same USB port). If I switch it to a new port it will do the same thing again. (Work, then stop working eventually).

The interesting thing is, it does this on every computer i have tried it on that is windows 7. Both 64bit and 32bit. At some point its like windows assigns it as and unknown device and never lets you correct it until you put it on a new port.

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That fact above suggests that it is likely the device itself but its a $4000 (USD) camera. I really dont want to replace it and have the new one do the same thing eventually. Oddly enough, with other client offices that have the same camera some of them have the same issue. It seems to be windows 7 specific. The same camera seems to be just fine on windows xp.

When the pointing the finger game has been started by their IT department and the Manufacturer I prefer to find a documentable problem and who needs to solve it. As it stands now, the customer is unhappy and its "our fault" in his eye's since the manufacturer claims it works fine on windows 7 while our experience shows otherwise.

If you know of other dentist office with the same issue I would be inclined to get them all to open tickets and reference each others ticket numbers so the manufacture can't claim it is a isolated windows 7 issue that only effects you

Molan: Unfortunately this camera is out of warranty and their support says its the camera that is the issue. It may well be but if so then it must be a big design flaw to effect many cameras at different locations. It does only happen with windows 7. I havent gotten to test windows 8 yet.

Marques: Apparently this issue happens after some time on windows 7. This location specifically has had it as an issue for 3 months. It was working fine before. I do not administrate the OS on these machines.

Toaster22: When i have this issue on an XP machine, its always a power issue and a powered usb hub fixes the problem. With windows 7 the symptom is the same as a power issue but it does not fix itself just by placing a powered hub in there. Its like Windows is assigning the camera an ID or some sort of flag that permanently makes windows think this is an unknown device.

The WaveForms main window (shown above) has buttons for each of the six instruments: Oscilloscope, Waveforms (the Arbitrary Waveform Generator), Voltage (the Power Supplies and Voltmeters instrument), Analyzer (the Logic Analyzer), Patterns (the Digital Signal Generator), and Static I/O (Static Digital Input/Output or SDIO). The Bode and Batch instruments can be opened under the bottom-right button of the main window.Click on an instrument button to open the instrument's main window (if the instrument is already open, it is brought to the front.) You can open additional instruments of the same type using the drop-down arrow as shown above. Note that only one Voltage and Static I/O instrument can be opened at a time. An instrument button is disabled when the selected device or configuration does not support it. The Devices button opens the Device Manager window. The Open and Save buttons let you load or save instrument workspaces. Main window functions are also accessible from the hidden menu strip that is displayed by pressing the Alt key. The instruments can also be accessed by right-clicking on the system tray menu as show below. 

 1.3 The Workspace and Project The workspace refers to any open instruments and their current state. The workspace can be loaded and saved with the Open and Save buttons on the main WaveForms window. The workspace can be saved in one of the following modes selected by the save filter:Standard: saves all data, buffered Oscilloscope and Logic Analyzer acquisitions, tabs, Oscilloscope reference channel samples, custom AWG waveforms, player files, Pattern Generator custom data, Network Analyzer snapshots are saved. It can result in a several megabytes file size.Reduced size: only the selected Oscilloscope and Logic Analyzer buffer, tabs, Oscilloscope reference channel samples, selected custom AWG waveforms, Pattern Generator custom data, Network Analyzer snapshots are saved.Minimal size: only Oscilloscope reference channel samples are saved. Size is usually less than one megabyte. The workspace files are associated with WaveForms. When you open a workspace (double-click on a *.dwfwork file) and WaveForms is running, then the following window is opened. The project refers to an instrument and its current state. The project can be loaded and saved with the Open and Save buttons in each of the following instrument window: Scope, WaveGen, Analyzer and Patterns . The project files are associated with WaveForms. When you open a project (double-click on a *.dwfscope, *.dwfawg, *dwfanalyzer, *.dwfpatterns, ... file) and WaveForms is running, then the above window is opened. Selecting a running application which has opened instrument the following window is opened. 

 2. Device Manager The Device Manager lets you select the device and configuration to use with WaveForms. To open Device Manager, from the main WaveForms window select the Device drop-down menu. Select Manager. 

 Filter: At the top-left corner is the filter for listing devices. The Find All filter shows the list of found devices and, if none is found, lists only the Demo and Sound Card devices. Devices: Select the device you want to use. The Demo device lets you explore WaveForm's capabilities without a physical device. Configurations: Select the configuration you want to use for the selected device. The configurations have different device buffer-memory distributions for the instruments and other capabilities, like number of pins or channels. Rename: The device's user name can be changed with the Rename button. Calibrate: The Calibrate button opens the Calibration window. 

 3. Options The Options window lets you select various display and configuration preferences. To open the Options window, from the main WaveForms window select the Options button. To change an option, select an item, then select the corresponding drop-down list item.  Multiple instances: Specifies whether multiple instances of the WaveForms application can run at the same time. Keep device: Specifies whether to use the current device configuration or to use the default (first) device configuration at start-up or device selection. Keep instruments: Specifies whether to restore the instruments that were open when the application was last closed. Minimize to system tray: Specifies whether to remove WaveForms from the taskbar when the main window is minimized (it can still be accessed from system tray). Main window topmost: Specifies whether the main window stays on top (in front) of other windows. Sticky windows: Enables the sticky option, whereby windows stick to each other and to screen corners. Hot drag: Enables hot dragging for docking windows. When the hot drag option is enabled, you can instantly move docking windows. When the option is disabled, you move the docking window to a new position by releasing the mouse button (or you can cancel the move by pressing the Escape key). Check for updates: Automatically checks for available updates and lets you download and install them. Erase configuration: Erase the last and default configurations.

The Device Calibration window lets you calibrate (fine tune) a device's analog components, like the read-voltage levels of the Oscilloscope or Voltmeters and the output level of the Waveform Generator or Adjustable Power Supplies of the Electronics Explorer board, Oscilloscope and Waveform Generator of the Analog Discovery device.Start the Device Calibration window from the WaveForms main window > Device > Manager > select Show advanced features > Calibrate. The following window opens. The items in the calibration list depends on the selected device type.  Wizard: launches a wizard dialog and walks you through the calibration of each component. Apply: saves the calibration changes made to the device. Save: stores the current calibration parameters to a file. Open: loads a saved calibration parameter file. Reset: lets you change calibration parameters.  Discard Changes: cancels any changes made after opening the Device Calibration window or pressing the Apply button. Reset to Zero: resets the calibration parameters to zero. Load Factory: loads the default calibration parameters.  Calibration tab: lets you double-click a listed item to start its calibration. References tab: lets you review the measured calibration and reference values. Parameters tab: lets you review the calibration parameters.  

 5. Common Interfaces 5.1 Menu Strips The menu strips of the windows generally have:

The docking windows functionality gives you flexible organization of docking windows within the parent window. The windows can be dragged by their top border. When dragging is started, small rectangles appear on the margins of the parent window. These margins indicate the drop regions. If you release the mouse in one of these regions, the child window is docked to the corresponding margin. If you position a child window above another child window with same parent, a large dock indicator appears.  Releasing the mouse on the sides docks the dragged window on the corresponding side of the other window. Releasing the mouse in the middle docks the child windows in tabular mode. When you drag above a drop region, a shadow shows where the window will be dropped. Releasing a window outside of drop regions makes the window float. Floating windows can be docked together to form a separate window. The push pin icon next to the close button locks the docked window, disabling the movement. A tabular window can be removed by dragging its tab from the bottom of the window, as shown below. Tabular window can be closed by mouse middle-click on the tab. e24fc04721

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