What Are The Different Ways To Support NGOs In Their Charity Works?

I have been working in an NGO for the last 6 years and the efforts of NGOs are making significant changes in our society. As people are getting more aware of the activities of NGOs since the emergence of social media, many are willingly coming forward to help our charity works. We feel appreciated when people ask us how they could join our activities. There are many ways you contribute your part to NGO activities, and I would like to share some of them.

  • Donate your time – Volunteering in an NGO team is the best option to get involved in NGO activities. Many of our programs work efficiently with the support of people who joins us as NGO volunteers. It is a worthy way to contribute to society and helps you to get relieved from all other stress in your life.

  • Donate your skill – If your skills match the needs of an NGO, you can offer your services. I am working in a food NGO, and we are providing meals to students under a mid-day meal scheme daily, food to people on the streets, and more. If you have the ability to cook for a large number of people, you can offer us your services and it helps us a lot.

  • Online donations for NGOs – NGOs require funds to implement the projects successfully and public funding is the major source. You make NGO donations online and it is the best way to support us if you cannot find time to volunteer. You will also get the benefits of tax exemptions for charity donations.

  • Support NGOs in social media – NGOs require the contributions of the public to successfully execute the programs and we need public attention. You can use your social media feed to support our campaigns and give our programs more visibility. It helps us to find more donations and skilled volunteers.

  • Make donations in kind – NGOs require supplies like food, clothing, utensils, and more to continue the good work. You can contribute the books on your shelves or used clothes in good condition to the NGOs.

  • Donate gifts – You can ask your family members and friends to donate gifts for your birthday or marriage to an NGO. This helps to make your celebrations special and spread a good message to the society