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Dianabol Canada On Power Bars are High Energy Protein Bars

Dianabol Canada - Energy Bars have been around for a while and were some of the first energy supplements on the market. Many people refer to energy and protein bars as ‘Power Bars’ because the original mass marketed bar is named “Power Bar”.

That category of energy supplements has recently been expanded and you can find many brands at your local store. We now have a vast array of choices when it comes to this form of nutritional energy option.

  1. Energy bars come in 3 basic categories:

  2. Protein Bars

  3. Carbohydrate Bars

  4. Functional Foods Bars.

Protein Bars

Dianabol Canada, Protein Bars are packed with protein, some fat and some carbohydrates. They are most often fortified with vitamins and minerals. For this reason, they are often used as a meal or a highly nutritious energy snack. Because of the combination of nutrients that are available in Protein Bars, they can be a valuable source of energy. That is true, especially when considering that they can replace high fat or high sugar foods that we usually consume (remember, high-fat, high-sugar foods drain us of energy). Whey protein and Soy protein are the two most common protein bars.

Carbohydrate Bars

Dianabol Canada, Carbohydrate Bars provide energy by means that are similar to Carbohydrate powders. Because of their high carbohydrate content, they are used by individuals who expect to have high caloric needs by way of exercise or exertion. Cyclists, runners, swimmers or anyone who jumps on a stair-climber for an hour can benefit from this type of energy supplement. Be careful though! Carbohydrate bars usually have more sugar than a protein bar!

Functional Food Bar

Functional Food Bars are a combination of Protein bars and Carbohydrate bars and energy supplements like Guarana, B-Vitamins. Functional food bars are usually packed with basic nutrients or energy supplements like Vitamins and Minerals. They often include any ingredient that can be taken to increase energy such as Choline, Bee Pollen, Ma Huang or Yohimbe. Functional Food bars may help to boost memory, create alertness, provide nutrition or some other targeted need such as increased energy.

Differences in Energy Bars

Protein Bars are usually not as tasty as carbohydrate bars and functional food bars. The reason for this is it is difficult for manufactures to pack protein bars with so much valuable protein and still make it taste good.

Some protein bars are considered Low-Carb Bars- meaning they have almost no sugar in them. That is good for people who are on low carb diets. You will not find a low-carb bar in the Carbohydrate bar/Functional Food bar category.

Because carbohydrate bars do not have as much protein as protein bars, manufacturers are able to use more sugar.

Functional food bars are normally light in protein as well, so they can be very tasty. You may find some functional food bars that are very high in fiber, which means you gain the added benefit of adding fiber to your diet with an energy bar.

Energy Supplements

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