Diana Batchelor

Diana conducts research on victims' perspectives of crime and justice.

What happens when victims and survivors are given the chance to communicate with the people who committed an offence against them? Why do people choose to communicate with one another, and what they get from it? How does this type of informal communication affect victims' expectations and experiences of formal criminal justice mechanisms?


Diana is currently based at the University of Sheffield working on a research project about people's understanding of why the crime happened to them, her profile can be found here

This page is a collection of resources based on Diana's research.


This booklet is for victims of crime to read what other victims and survivors say about restorative justice. It can help with deciding whether to take part, preparing for the process and knowing what to expect.   

This is a handbook for practitioners dealing with restorative justice cases in which the offender is not fully remorseful, doesn't take full responsibility or is unwilling or partially willing to participate. Based primarily on this study.