"AllWebMenus Pro lets you design attractive menus and maps for your sites with minimal effort. The host of parameters for customizing keeps you from repeating yourself. The interface is clear and helpful. The program generates on the fly the navigable preview of the menu you are designing. It lets you quickly try several variants and choose the best. The menu items are organized into a tree. You can edit a parameter for several items at once and change styles from one submenu to another. The program has an extensive manual that explains every parameter. You can choose from more than 100 preset design styles and save your own to use later. Finally, the program links the menu into your Web pages. AllWebMenus Pro is a real godsend to Webmasters."

"The addition of AllWebMenus Pro to my ever-growing arsenal of Web Design Utilities has made all of my previous DHTML menu and Javascript Menu wizards, makers, or whatever they label themselves, obsolete. If you are a developer who insists on hand coding, you might want to think again. This powerful and robust little program has saved me countless hours of development time and the frustration of making my menus display properly in multiple web browsers..."

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"I've seen some fairly complicated menus that surely took a team of programmers many days to create. AllWebMenus makes all that a thing of the past. You can make some stunning menus with ease."

"AllWebMenus is a very powerful tool that comes with superb help and "How to.." topics, which make the usage of it simple and easy. Using this tool will save a lot of your time to create professionally looking menus that are easily integrated in any website using basically any web authoring tool"

"I have been using allwebmenus for a while now and I just want to tell you that it is a fantastic product! 

 Not only is it simple to use and easy to implement but your help and support is great too. Rarely do I need to wait more than 24 hours for a reply to my help request.

 You also seem quite pro active in enhancing an already great product."

"As a television and multimedia production company involved with many of the top studios and networks, the navigation function on our website enabling visitors and clients to view our work frequently changes. AllWebMenus Pro and the entire Likno product line has been the answer to our needs since 2005 with their stunning design, ease of use, product enhancements, and customer support."

I have used Likno AllWebMenusPro for many years now. I am a professional web developer and it produces outstanding menus that impress the client and are quite useable. The software is easy to use, even for a beginner. Support is awesome. I email them with a question or problem and get rapid responses, often with screenshots as to how to adjust the settings. I deal with support all the time in my line of work. This is some of the best in the business! I highly recommend the software and company.

"I was so impressed with the trial version, i just HAD to go ahead and purchase the pro version. 

 Many of the features & adjustments simply don't exist with many other web packages I've tried.

 Everything i think about changing already exists in the configuration areas.

 Allwebmenus handles everything i throw at it, and more. 

 I'm very impressed with the abundance of settings for just about every alteration you could imagine. 

 I also use a lot of repetitive structures in my menus, so the built in copy/paste layouts & settings between submenus makes things VERY quick & easy, and the flexibility to move submenus between parent-child positioning is fantastic! 

 What used to take several days of trial-development now only takes 1-2 hours with Allwebmenus. 

 Additionally, not only is this a fantastic application, but the support staff are VERY quick with responses and ready to listen to my suggestions for additional features and/or bug fixes. 

 I have to say a big THANK-YOU to the Likno Team for making this program so powerful and easy to use.

Very pleased. I've got my new drop down menu uploaded to our company's web site. Your help files are useful and well done. I had to play around a bit until I got it working, but the layout of the menu builder is easy to understand quickly and to see how changes affect the menu.

 Mark me as a satisfied customer.

"AllWebMenus is now my first choice in creating a variety of functional and 

 attractive menus. This program is a real time saver! Efficient, easy to 

 use - amazing! Worth every penny! Definitely a 'must have' program"

"I just wanted to thank you for a great program. Rarely are we impressed

 with this kind of software, but we have had even our entry level designer

 creating some truly spectacular menus in just one day.

 Keep up the great work!"

"Thanks to your software, the menu looks absolutely incredible, which I must admit saved me days worth of work. I look forward to likno's future upgrades and will gladly recommend this time saving tool to friends, colleagues and family members that may be in need for such a feature. Thank you for your help."

"Just purchased your product today. Very happy with it, you have done a great job in making a rather fiddly and complex task very simple. I reckon a monkey could make a professional looking nav menu with this!"

"I've been creating menus all night, and I have to say it's a little gem of a program. As I have been trying to make my web pages as easy and quick to get to where surfers need to go, you program makes this a breeze now."

"I am so impressed with Likno's AllWebMenus Version 1.2. The time it saves me to create DHTML menus is fantastic. As an ASP programmer I concentrate on complex database integration applications for the web. I find that the navigation and effects the program gives my web pages is worth every cent. REALLY easy to use !! Of course there are some recommendations I will make for future roll outs but it is a tool worth supporting."

"Dear Gentlemen, First, I would like to say that AllWebMenus is simply a beautifully designed program and a real pleasure to use. During the last 5 years, I have gained extensive experience developing and deploying commerce-based Web sites. I have learned that the most important facet in web development is designing a navigation system that is simple for users and consistent throughout the entire site. With AllWebMenus I can actually design a site containing well over one thousand pages and the user can find any page in the site, at any point in the site, with just one click of the mouse. Now that is what I call impressive! In fact, I no longer need to design a site map because AllWebMenus also servers as a wonderful site map. Another noteworthy feature is how easy it is to quickly update the menu system on a very large scale. Anyone designing a large site surly must have used SSI (single side includes) so that only one change is required in a SSI file to reflect across the entire site. Now I no longer need SSI files because AllWebMenus takes care of that too. I could actually write a book on all the features AllWebMenus has to offer in just describing the hundreds upon hundreds of possible style combinations. I have recommended AllWebMenus to a very good friend of mine who has also bought your product and I will continue to recommend it to others."

"I'm a web designer, specializing in Joomla sites. I'd much rather spend my time focusing on the site, rather than spending hours constructing menus and making sure they work in all browsers. Your component allows me to do that easily.


 FYI, I had been using another Joomla menu component, swm****** for all my sites, but it had a lot of cross-browser issues and other problems. I love the customization possibilities with yours and hope you continue supporting Joomla!"

"Thank you so much. I've been using AWM on this site since 2005, and I had completely forgotten the scripting I used way back then.

 You have been wonderfully helpful. After removing the scripting, I updated the rest of the browser-specific settings, and the test page now looks good in all browsers. 

 Thank you!

 I've always been very happy with AWM as a tool for building any menus I need. And your service is wonderful. Feel free to quote me as a testimonial.



"I have to say I am very pleased with this product and your support.

 Creating menus used to be really time consuming. Doable but hard work especially as user becomes ever more demanding. Now menus are quick, simple and because they are so quick and simple, fun to create! Thank you and keep up the great work."

"I don't normally write in to a software outfit with good things to say, but I have to thank you for the capabilities and ease of use you've built into AllWebMenus Pro. 

 It's made my web design and menu-building so much quicker and easier. Trying to build and position menus with CSS only or even with CSS and hand-coded Javascript is way too time-consuming, not to mention unpredictable....Ok, that's enough. It goes against the grain to gush over somebody's product, no matter what it is."

"Just wanted to update you on the situation. The new build fixed the problem completely! Thank you so much for taking the time to answer my questions unlike other companies i've dealt with. Your product is absolutely amazing! It's a big help for me when I'm in a crunch and don't have to time to write a custom script to do what you have implemented into the menu builder. Thanks again!"

"Holy smokes! I just got Dreamweaver and was having a little bit of difficulty creating menus, etc. with their built in software; however, the AllWebMenus extension for Dreamweaver is soooooooooo easy to use. 

 I am going to recommend this extension to all of my fellow teachers at the next professional development day for IT teachers. Again, amazing, amazing, amazing job. You guys are the best kept secret on the net!"

"I am usually fairly slow about doing things like testimonials, but the program just did something that I didn't know it could do, and it impressed me so much that I wanted to let you know. You have obviously spent a great deal of time in making sure that the program functions as it should. The menus are truly intuitive, and function as if they were created by a web designer--not a programmer. This program does exactly as it is advertised--which is something hard to come by in web development. I could not be more pleased with its abilities. Thank you for a wonderful program." be457b7860

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