What Is Periodontal Treatment and Why Is It So Important

Most people would say that the most crucial part of your mouth is your teeth. But, we would say that gums are the ones that really hold that title.

And that's because your gums are the support of your teeth, and they're the ones that give stability to any dental work you get done. And so, as they are important, they're also prone to get compromised.

Did you know that periodontitis is the most frequent chronic infection in adults?

Periodontitis, also known as gum infection, is serious bacterial colonization and damage to the soft tissue that, if left untreated, can cause severe damage to the bone and cause teeth loosening and even loss. But, even though this disease is common and can lead to these severe consequences, it is easily preventable.

Periodontitis is solely a cause of poor oral hygiene. Things as simple as brushing your teeth three times a day, using dental floss, and going to periodic checkups are pretty much all you need to prevent it and to improve your chances of successful healing.

Periodontitis starts with plaque, which is that slimy white film that forms over your teeth' surface and is mainly composed of bacteria that are decomposing all the sugars and starches that you left on your teeth.

That plaque eventually can cause gingivitis, a mild inflammation of the gum around the base of your teeth. That persistent inflammation leads to periodontitis, which opens holes in the gum that get filled with bacteria, plaque, and tartar. Over time, these holes get deeper and deeper, weakening the gum, loosening teeth, and leading to bone and even blood and endocardium infection.

A periodontist or a dentist performs the periodontal treatment, and it consists of cleaning the pockets on the gum, whether it is surgical or not. Non-surgical treatments are the go-to when the disease is not as advanced, such as an antibiotic prescription, or procedures such as root planing or scaling, which is smoothing and removing tartar, bacteria, and their byproducts from the root and the surface of the tooth, respectively.

On the other hand, surgical treatments are the best choice when the disease is advanced. They include flap surgery, bone, and soft tissue grafting, and tissue regeneration with proteins or biocompatible fabric.

At DH Smiles Center, we offer the MyGums treatment, a comprehensive treatment, and maintenance program for your gums, which can keep them nice and healthy for a lifetime. We're your gum health dentist, and Ontario's patients couldn't be more satisfied with our work. Visit our website to know more!