Doppelgang Kids

Everyone wants to meet a friend who is "just like them!"

Find your doppleganger with
Dopplegang Kids!

Dopplegang Kids is a digital pen pal site that offers both asynchronous and synchronous meet-ups so kids can meet other kids. 2nd graders can meet 2nd graders, a student who speaks German can chat with another student who speaks German, and a female kindergartener who is hard of hearing can meet her doppleganger (another female kindergartener who is hard of hearing) who lives miles away!

There are also opportunities for younger children to be paired with youth mentors.

Research shows that youth who have connections with other youth/mentors who are share similarities positively impacts academic and career development, employment, psychosocial health and quality of life, transition, and life skills.

Once matched, Dopplegang Kids aims to also assist in meeting
IDEA's Consideration of Special Factors requirements.

Parents, Guardians and Teachers - Are you interested in having a child in your life meet their doppelganger? If so, enroll your child in Dopplegang Kids to find a match!