Dharma Action Network for Climate Engagement (DANCE) Sheffield

DANCE Sheffield is a local group of the Dharma Action Network for Climate Engagement (DANCE).

We are interested in Buddhist responses to Climate Change.

Activity and political action, including creative ideas and experiments in passionate and compassionate engagement may be shared, incubated, and hatched together through this space.

A space for connecting to explore the breadth of possible Dharma responses to climate change and related issues, including:

  • Supporting ourselves (Buddhist Climate Activists) by meeting like minded people, sharing, inspiring
  • Supporting for non-Buddhist Climate Activists: by running Mindfulness trainings etc for activists, providing a calming, friendly presence to actions with potential conflict
  • Public Actions as Buddhists: public meditations to support climate actions e.g. Art Not Oil,
  • Work That Reconnects Workshops: safe places to feel our pain and love for the world and Finding Our Power to protect it

We meet occasionally in Sheffield.

Dharma Action Sheffield Facebook Group