About “Guan Yin Citta” and “Master Lu Jun Hong”

“Guan Yin Citta” is also known as “心灵法门” or “Xin Ling Fa Men” in Chinese. In this blog article, we look into the facts about Guan Shi Yin Pu Sa Xin Ling Fa Men to better understand its practices.

Who is "Master Jun Hong Lu"?

Master Jun Hong Lu is the President of the Australian Chinese Buddhist Research Centre (ACBRC), the chairman of Australia Oriental Media Group (AOMG) and a renowned leader of the Chinese Community in Australia. Master Lu is well known internationally for his work in promoting traditional Chinese Culture, World Peace and helping people through Buddhist Teachings.

Using a modern radio station "Dong Fang Tai" and the internet as a medium to spread the dharma, Master Lu also travels around the globe giving talks and speeches while cultivating good affinity with the people.

Master Lu stated that in August 2016, "We want the world to be filled with compassion; we want love to spread to all over the globe; we want countries to be well; we want the people to be well; we want every family to be well - this is Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door. Let every one of us be well; let every family be well; let our society be well; let our country be well - this is Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door."

You can read the aim of "Guan Yin Citta" here (Mandarin): https://xlch.org/category/book/kaishihej/duren/1054.html?t=1544077915107

More information on "Master Lu": https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jun_Hong_Lu

3 Buddhist Practices of "Guan Yin Citta"

"Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door" is actively promoting the 3 Buddhist Practices:

  1. Performing Buddhist Recitations;
  2. Performing Life Liberations;
  3. Making Great Vows

These Buddhist practices can help practitioners change destiny and repay karmic debts, making life better.

Master Lu advises that it is best to release animals that are commonly eaten by humans, including fish, shrimp, prawns, crabs, and clams, etc. Other animals that tend to be killed or eaten by humans would also be suitable.

Guan Yin Citta followers perform daily homework (a fixed amount of daily Mahayana Buddhist Sutra chants) and recitations of Little Houses in a regular basis. Master Lu also encourages people to be full vegetarian and to be compassionate to all sentient beings.

All sutras and mantras chanted are in Mandarin Version and can be found in "Buddhist Recitation Collection by Mr. Zhao Puchu, former President of the Chinese Buddhist Association".

Followers typically perform daily recitations of the following sutras and mantras:

  • Great Compassion Mantra (Ta Pei Chou)
  • Heart Sutra (Hsin Ching)
  • Eighty-eight Buddhas Great Repentance (Li Fo Ta Chan Hui Wen)
  • Sapta Atitabuddha Karasaniya Dharani (Chi Fo Mieh Tsui Chen Yan)
  • Amitabha Pure Land Rebirth Mantra (Pa Yi Chieh Yeh Chang Ken Pen Te Sheng Ching Tu To Lo Ni)
  • Jvala Mahaugra Dharani (Hsiao Tsai Chi Hsiang Shen Chou)
  • Mantra to Untie Karmic Knots (Chieh Chieh Chou)
  • Cundi Dharani (Chun Ti Shen Chou)
  • Dharani to Purify Karma from Speech (Jing Kou Ye Zhen Yan)
  • Dharani to Patch Flaws in Recitation (Bu Que Zhen Yan)

Free video guide can be found: https://xinlingfamen.info/sutras

Buddhist Recitation Collection PDF e-book can be downloaded at: https://ebooks.xinlingfamen.info

Totem Enquiries

"Master Lu Jun Hong" is regarded as The Primus Inter Pares, who has the powerful ability to perform totem readings by one’s birth year, chinese zodiac sign and gender. Referencing a person’s totem, Master Lu Jun Hong is able to tell the root cause of his/ her karma.

"Totem reading isn’t functioning to fulfill a person’s curiosity of fate, but rather it works to convince he/ she to believe in existence of karma." explained by Master Lu Jun Hong.

Master Lu hosts multiple Buddhist talk programs on popular 'Dong Fang Tai' radio station regularly. In Master Lu's 玄艺综述 (ZongShu) or The Art of Applying Comprehensive Metaphysics (Totem Enquiry) program (Every Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday), anyone who is able to call into the live radio program can ask questions related to health, family issues, relationship and wellbeing of their deceased friend or relative. You can listen to thousands of Master Lu's totem at:

Master Lu has performed thousands of free totem enquiries on radio and dharma talk (fahui) with the primary aim to let even more people in the dharma ending period to believe in karma and teach them the 3 effective buddhist ways to solve their problems.

What is "Little House" or Xiao Fang Zi (“小房子”)?

Little House is a compilation of Buddhist mantras and sutras:

  • 27 Great Compassion Mantra
  • 49 Heart Sutra
  • 84 Amitabha Pure Land Rebirth Mantra
  • 87 Sapta Atitabuddha Karasaniya Dharani

Little House is especially used to transfer merits to the spirits and to those deceased. There are 2 types of illnesses, firstly, is physical illness, and secondly is spiritual illness. Spiritual illness cannot be cured by doctors. Spirits are commonly known as "ghost" on a human body. On a living person, spirits are normally deceased relatives or aborted/miscarried children, good/close friends, or people who has conflicts with him/her, or spirits in the house. If spirits stay in a persons' body for a long time, it will result in a person's physical illness, has bad temper, experience ill fortune, business or difficulty in learning.

Little House in spiritual world is equivalent to money and energy.

1 Little House can take 1-2 hours to complete. Recitations for 1 Little House must be completed within one week (7 days).

Free "Xiao Fang Zi" A4 Print Template can be downloaded from links below:

Free-Admission Dharma Talk

Hundreds of dharma talk have been hosted around the world to promote world peace and Buddhism. In these Fahui (Dharma talks), free books and dharma materials are distributed to help more people start practicing Buddhism. Dharma talk is also an opportunity for volunteers to help more people and gain virtues.

Anyone who wish to be Master Lu’s disciple, application is free. To become disciple, one should observe these disciple code of conducts (in Mandarin) (“卢军宏弟子守则”):

  1. 作为卢台长的弟子,希望您忠诚于师父,并必须专一学习师父所传的观世音菩萨的心灵法门。
  2. 尊敬师父,听从师父的教诲,修心修行提高自己的境界,有责任维护师父的声誉。
  3. 弟子间应相互尊重,相互团结,和师父一起弘扬观世音菩萨的心灵法门,救度众生,让更多的众生能离苦得乐。
  4. 作为弟子应遵纪守法,爱国爱民,不参与任何不利于团结的言论和行为。
  5. 弟子应维护师父的名誉,杜绝任何利己的行为,不能用任何方法敛财。
  6. 尊重其它法门,不作评论,学习观世音菩萨心灵法门,依教奉行。
  7. 净化心灵,修身养性,慈诚修本,返璞归真,坚持学习佛教的正信正念,通过修心念经,提高自己的学佛境界。
  8. 作为弟子应该慈悲为怀,戒杀生,尽量食素。
  9. 成为弟子后,坚定地跟随师父弘法利生,救度众生,可得到观世音菩萨和师父的加持和庇荫。

Digital version can be found here: http://xinlingfamen.info/app/lu-jun-hong-di-zi-shou-ze

Free Buddhist Ebooks in English/Chinese/Bahasa Indonesia can be downloaded at: https://ebooks.xinlingfamen.info


"Xin Ling Fa Men" has helped countless people. The 3 Buddhist Practices are effective in solving issues relating to health, relationship, career. Many people with autism and terminal illness such as cancer, leukaemia, stroke and kidney disease have successfully recovered.

Here are just some of the before and after testimonials:

I thought I was always right before. I put all the blame on my husband when our relationship went downhill. After practicing Buddhism, I learnt that everything happens to us is triggered by our own karma. Our home is a place for us to love, not to fight. Thanks to Guan Yin Bodhisattva and Guan Yin Citta, my relationship with my husband has been repaired and I can truly feel the love and care that my husband brings to me. This is one of the greatest changes that I have made by practicing Guan Yin Citta.

At the age of dharma decline, divorce rate is very high as there are more and more karmic knots in a family. I would like to suggest those who are in a similar situation as mine to start practicing Buddhism and become free from suffering. Making vows, reciting scriptures and performing life liberation are very effective ways to repair relationships, purify our mind, and change our destiny.


By chance, I got a DVD of Master Lu’s Dharma talk. While watching the videos, I could not help but to burst into tears. Seeing that Master Lu made great efforts in saving people from misery and people’s sincere gratitude to him, I was deeply touched. Isn’t the living Guan Yin Bodhisattva saving people from the sea of bitterness? Immediately I was determined to start from the very beginning to recite little houses and pray to Guan Yin Bodhisattva for saving my mum from cataclysms. Amazing things appeared on the first night when I recited the little houses. The bedsore problem that troubled us for so long had a positive turning point. Since that night, – no urine flowed into mum’s bedsore wound. The wound was kept dry and the medication started to take effect. My mum began to improve. In less than one month time, the original 4.5 cm big sore shrank to the size of a grain of rice and was healed soon after that.


You can listen to thousands of testimonials (Mandarin) in the radio page or YouTube:

International Recognitions for World Peace

Principles of "Guan Yin Citta"

To all practitioners of Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door, please abide the following rules:

1. Love your country and the people. Abide the laws and rules of your country and help your country maintain a harmonious society.

2. Practice the right beliefs and right thoughts. Reject cults and the wrong practices. Refrain from doing the wrong actions reflecting cults: acquiring wealth through illegal means, using violence, going against society and the government, establishing illegal organizations and using illicit means for controlling behaviors.

3. Do not participate in illegal gatherings nor organize any illegal gatherings.

4. Do not use Buddhism to make money, the practicing of Buddhism should stay clear from financial earning.

5. Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door advocates everyone to learn the traditional Chinese culture and Buddhism, and practice the Buddhist teaching at home.

Buddhist practitioners must understand that in practicing Buddhism, we must cultivate compassion for other people, we must love our country and the people, we must protect our country and cultivate harmony in the society; these are the basics of the Buddhist practice. The negative karma that arises from illegal and immoral acts such as earning income through illicit means, engaging in violence and breaking the country’s law is very serious. We hope that you may hold yourself to higher standards in your cultivation, be cautious in your speech, and continue to persevere in your practice at home so that you may be a pillar of strength for your society and your country. We wish you the best in your practice!

Oriental Radio Dharma Team 2014-06-09

→ Get Started as a Beginner

Effectively solve common issues relating to health, relationship, career, education and so on with the help of Guan Yin Bodhisattva.

If you decide to practice Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door’s method, you can start doing your daily homework:

  • “Great Compassion Mantra” x 3 to 7 times (pray for health) ;
  • “Heart Sutra” x 3 to 7 times (pray for wisdom) ;
  • “Cundi Dharani” x 21 to 49 times (pray for having your wish come true) ;
  • “Eighty-eight Buddhas Great Repentance” x 1 to 7 times (to repent and pray for elimination of negative karma) ;
  • Combine the above with offering of Little Houses, life liberation, and making vows

You can get free books and dharma materials in English/Chinese/Bahasa Indonesia, please feel free to visit http://guanyincitta.info.

Hundreds of Guan Yin Citta Buddhist Practice Centers have been established by devoted volunteers and can be found across the world including Malaysia, Singapore, US, Australia, Taiwan, Indonesia, Spain, UK, Italy and much more! You are welcome to visit them to get free materials. Address information at http://xlfmlink.com/locations

Guan Yin Citta Chrome, Android and iOS apps download: http://xinlingfamen.info/app