Aloha and welcome...
Soul University's featured 2024 class offers a series of 53 guided journeys (similar to a guided meditations) to help you identify then resolve stress caused by doubt, guilt, shame and worry.
Each 15 - 20 minute experience:
starts with helping you get into a meditative state with guided steps backed with soothing background music.
with a more quieted, focused mind, listen to a short suggested exercise.
ends with guidance on how best to return to your day.
Short. Simple. Life-changing.
Series includes:
a brief (approximately 15 mins) audio file to download and review any where, any time.
transcripts (of audio file) for easy note taking.
53 total classes.
One new class posted on Mondays throughout 2024.
Backstory ...
I mix my masters in social work, with my training as a monk and shaman into thought-provoking:
publications (books, online syndicated publications),
productions (podcasts, videos),
classes, workshops, seminars and retreats,
private-practice consulting since 1991.
You're welcome to sample how I teach, consult as well learn. How? Click to access hundreds downloadable audios any time..
Mahalo nui loa
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Classes Ala Carte starting at $11.99 - $19.99? Click the buttons below to order ala carte.
Click for private access to entire series. (53 audios, 53 transcript files, 53 private-access videos): $499.99
New classes posted on Monday's through 2024.
I look forward to taking a lively adventure with you.
See you in class?
Release Doubts: Body ~ Mind ~ Personal ~ Social ~ Professional ~ Spiritual
Body: age. Our first step to dissolving doubt is to explore how your physical age inspires doubt. Learn how to let these doubts - go!
Body: weight. Our second step to dissolving doubt is focuses on how your physical weight feeds doubt. To small? To big? The ideas in this class work for both.
Body: ability. Our third step to dissolving doubt explores how your feelings and thoughts about your physical abilities.
Mind: balance. Our fourth step to dissolve doubts is to become more mindful of how feelings affect our sense of balance. How do feelings throw us out of balance? Let's find out.
Mind: peace. Our fifth step to dissolve doubts concerns your sense of peace. What time-tested tool helps restore a sense of peace - anywhere? Anytime? Time to find out.
Mind: worth. Our sixth step to dissolve doubts concerns your sense of worth. What's your self-respect feeling like? Low or no sense of worth easily triggers feelings of doubt. Get ready to release all doubts about your worth.
Personal: judgment. Our seventh step to dissolve doubts focuses on the mind-chatter created by our internal judge. How often do you feel judged? How often do you catch yourself judging yourself? Others? Things? Places? Food? Clothes? When we listen to our internal judge we allow doubt to happen. Ready to retire your internal judge? Great! Let's go!
Personal: perfectionist. Our eighth step to dissolve doubt tackles our Perfectionist. Perfectionism - similar to a fever - burns our confidence with unnecessary doubts. How often do you doubt yourself because you think your less than perfect. Time to retire our Perfectionist!
Social: critic. Our ninth step to dissolve doubt focuses on how criticism cracks our confidence. When our inner voice - our Critic - verbalizes criticisms - in both words or thoughts, we feed doubt(s). Learn how to put our Social Critic on a strict diet.
Social: control. Our tenth step to dissolve doubt invites us to take a realistic look at the concept of control. What do we truly have control over? Anything? Anyone? Discover what you do actually have control over. Learn how this control dissolves doubts quickly, permanently.
Professional: skills. Our 11th step to dissolve doubt concerns your professional world and related skill sets. What skills need polishing? What skills are solid? What skills cause you to doubt yourself? Learn how to gain and maintain sound professional skills with ease and grace.
Professional: ready? Our 12th step to dissolve doubt focuses on your professional life. What's your sense of being ready concerning your calling, career, job, profession? When you feel unprepared, not ready, what do you do? Doubt yourself? Discover how to use your doubt about yourself as a powerful tool to learn and grow.
Spiritual: love. Our 13th step to dissolve doubt is our last class on doubt. This class prepares us to begin dissolving guilt in class 14 of our 53 part series.
To release doubts at our core we turn to a spiritual perspective - specifically love. More specifically - unconditional love. To remember what unconditional love looks and feels like, have fun with the guided visual journey that awaits you.
"Beyond a doubt truth bears the same relation to falsehood as light to darkness."
Leonardo da Vinci
Release Guilt: Past ~ Present ~ Internal (Thoughts) ~ External (Culture / Norms) Future ~ (Expectations)
Competition. Our first step to start dissolving guilt is getting in touch with our internal Competitor. What areas in life feels like a competition? How do we retire our internal competitor one day, one step at a time? Let's find out!
Series: class 14. Guilt class: 1.
Peer Pressure. Our second step to dissolve guilt requires a trip down memory lane to discover your peer pressure seeds. Who triggers guilt by pressuring you? How long have you felt pressured by family, friends, peers? Time to discover who's pressuring you most.
Series: class 15. Guilt class: 2.
Dogma. Our third step to dissolve guilt invites you to consider how you adopt(ed) and practice dogma (beliefs, disciplines). Get ready to question dogma! Get ready to release dogma.
Series: class 16. Guilt class: 3.
Family Of Origin. Our fourth step to dissolve guilt requires a fresh awareness of which family members trigger a sense of guilt. Using the tools suggested in this guided journey, discover how to dissolve guilt sourced from your family tree.
Series: class 17. Guilt class: 4.
Family Of Creation. Our fifth step to dissolve guilt invites you to take stock of your family of creation. Who in your extended family makes you feel guilty. Do they trigger guilt by breaching your boundaries? Time to upgrade your boundary setting skills.
Series: class 18. Guilt class: 5.
Goals. Our six step to dissolve guilt requires a fresh look at past, present and future goals. How much of your sense of guilt feeds on unmet, poorly planned goals? How do you do flip goal guilt into goal success? Let's find out!
Series: class 19. Guilt class: 6.
Dreams. Our seventh step to dissolve guilt asks you to ponder what dreams trigger a sense of guilt. What's the source of these dreams? You? Someone else? Get ready to retire dreams that feeds guilt.
Series: class 20. Guilt class: 7.
Desires. Our eighth step to dissolve guilt dives into desires. What do you desire? What are the roots to these desires? How much guilt do your desires tigger? When do we sabotage ourselves with desires. Discover answers to these questions - now.
Series: class 21. Guilt class: 8.
Boundaries. Our ninth step to dissolve guilt concerns setting and maintaining healthy boundaries. First? What's your comfort level with saying no - without guilt. Next? How to prepare people for future no's.
Series: class 22. Guilt class: 9.
Food. Our tenth step to dissolve guilt focuses on food. How does food feed guilt for you? Time to ponder eight questions to refresh your awareness about how food triggers guilt. With an updated understanding of the role food plays in your life, test out three calorie-free tools to retire guilt.
Series: class 23. Guilt class: 10.
Rest. Our 11th step to dissolve guilt explores what genuine rest looks and feels like. Refresh your memory of the two key, common-sense ways to rest - free of any feelings of guilt.
Series: class 24. Guilt class: 11.
Happiness. Our 12th step to dissolve guilt addresses the paradox we experience when we feel happy and guilty - simultaneously. To untangle guilt woven into happiness practice the pro-active solution presented in this class - daily.
Series: class 25. Guilt class: 12.
Sex. Our 13th step to dissolve guilt is our last class focused on guilt. Time to address guilt connected to sex. Get ready to unravel the ropes that bind your beliefs concerning being a healthy, sexual soul.
Series: class 26. Guilt class: 13.
"An exciting and inspiring future awaits you beyond the noise in your mind, beyond the guilt, doubt, fear, shame, insecurity, and heaviness of the past you carry around."
Debbie Ford
Release Shame: Body ~ Mind ~ Personal ~ Social ~ Professional ~ Spiritual
Body: age. Our first step to dissolve shame addresses an ancient topic - our physical age. When you look in the mirror, how do you feel about what you see? If you feel ashamed of what you see, why? Retire shame by exploring a couple ideas that may initially challenge you. As you ponder these ideas, shame triggered by age, crumbles.
Series: class 27. Shame class: 1.
Body: weight. Our second step to dissolve shame focuses on the multifaceted sources of shame concerning physical weight. Get ready to unearth, examine and pull your first root of weight based shame.
Series: class 28. Shame class: 2.
Body: ability. Our third step to dissolve shame addresses your physical abilities. How much shame do you feel when you must ask for help to take care of yourself due to illness? Accidents? Aging? Does shame triggered by lack of physical capacities overwhelm your sense of worth to the point you feel worthless? Practice using the two tools presented in this class to dissolve shame with ease and grace.
Series: class 29. Shame class: 3.
Mind: memory. Our fourth step to dissolve shame concerns your memory. How much shame do you deal with when your memory fails you. When others use their memory to remind you of something you feel ashamed of, what do you do? To release shame based on memory issues, play with (customize them based on personal preferences / skills) the two suggestions shared in this class.
Series: class 30. Shame class: 4.
Mind: focus. Our fifth step to release shame requires focus. Specifically, balanced focus. What is balanced focus? Time to learn how to gain and maintain balanced focus to resolve self sabotage with too much or too little focus.
Series: class 31. Shame class: 5.
Mind: clarity. Our sixth step to dissolve shame involves a paradox concerning clarity. Clarity may both blind and drain you - at the same time. Learn how to identify, explore and resolve clarity paradoxes with this class.
Series: class 32. Shame class: 6.
Personal: relationships. Our seventh step to dissolve shame requires risking rocking the personal relationships boat. Personal relationships, starting with the relationship with yourself has the potential to fuel shame. After completing the two guided exercises in this segment you'll have a refreshed awareness of who you need to work with to effectively retire shame one step at a time.
Series: class 33. Shame class: 7.
Personal: appearance. Our eighth step to dissolve shame introduces you to your internal comparison monster - source of shame based on your personal appearance. To tame - then retire this shame monster we remind you of two tools you already have but most likely forget to use.
Series: class 34. Shame class: 8.
Social Status: perceived. Our ninth step to dissolve shame takes time to consider how others perceive you on a social level. Society judges us on how we look. Sound. Smell. Feel and act. True? What happens when we purposefully change traits to influence how others perceive us? Discover two cold hard facts about how others perceive you. Learn how to use these two facts to both dissolve shame as well as vaccinate yourself from shame based on social perceptions.
Series: class 35. Shame class: 9.
Social Status: actual. Our 10th step to dissolve shame invites you to get - and be - real in all ways. Always. How? How do you feel about living life as transparent as glass? Learn how to embrace transparency in this segment to upgrade your capacity to release / repel shame caused by people assuming what your actual social status is.
Series: class 36. Shame class: 10.
Professional Achievements. Our 11th step to retire shame shines a spotlight on your professional achievements. Paradoxically, achievements may trigger shame. How? Absorb the content in this segment to discover how to address any attempt to shame you based on a well deserved promotion, award or accomplishment.
Series: class 37. Shame class: 11.
Professional Ambitions. Our 12th class to help you retire shame concerning professional ambitions. Learn how to spot six unique ways shame manifests through professional dreams, goals, and desires. Review two time-tested tools to dissolve as well as boost your shame immunity.
Series: class 38. Shame class: 12.
39. 9/23 - Spiritual: Worthiness ~$19.99
Release Worry: Past ~ Present ~ Internal (Thoughts) ~ External (Culture / Norms) Future ~ (Expectations)
40. 9/30 - Past ~ $19.99
41. 10/7 - Present ~ $19.99
42. 10/14 - Timing ~ $15.99
43. 10/21 - Family Of Creation ~ $11.99
44. 10/28 - Family Of Origin ~ $12.99
45. 11/04 - Work ~ $19.99
46. 11/11 - Money ~ $19.99
47. 11/18 - Health ~$19.99
48. 11/25 - Freedom ~$15.99
49. 12/2 - Education ~ $19.99
50. 12/9 - Time ~ $19.99
51. 12/16 - Strength ~ $15.99
52. 12/23 - Readiness ~$15.99
53. 12/30 - Future ~ $19.99
Ala Carte
Select classes above.
New classes posted weekly through 2024.
$9.99 one-time fee to access one Soul University Monday Live Office Hour event 8 p.m. Eastern.
$399.99 one-time fee to access 53 Soul University Monday Live Office Hour events at 8 p.m. Eastern.