Deep Generative Model and MAB/BO


Lectures: Wed/Fri 13-14:30, Online zoom

Zoom Meeting ID: 826 7196 4049


Ilchul Moon


office: KAIST E2-2 #4101

Sungbin Lim


office: UNIST E106 #801-10


  • 2021/12/15 | Final Term: The exam is open book, and you will submit an answer sheet to TA's email. The answer sheet can be photo-copied PDF or Latex PDF or Word. We expect the answer sheet, no later than 23:59pm on Dec/15, same day.

  • 2021/12/01 | The final exam will be held on December 15th. As previously announced, it is an open-book and is a way to take tests all day long.

  • 2021/12/01 | The final presentation will be held on 12/8 and 12/10.

    • Each team must record and submit a 9-minutes presentation video to TA e-mail before class on December 8th. We are going to play your video in the class.

    • The slides used in the presentation can be submitted by December 10th. It is possible to supplement the contents to the appendix that are not covered in the presentation video.

  • 2021/11/29 | The class on December 3rd will be canceled. The contents of the class will not be on the test, but additional supplementary videos will be uploaded on Saturday, December 4th.

  • 2021/11/24 | HW4 is uploaded. Please check the description, datasets, and code for the assignment here . Deadline: 12/10 13:00pm (submit Google drive share link to TA email).

  • 2021/11/03 | HW3 is uploaded. Please use Google Colab for assignments. Deadline: 11/12 13:00pm (submit by TA email).

  • 2021/10/08 | A late submission policy is announced. Check Syllabus.

  • 2021/09/28 | All teams have been assigned. If you haven't made a team yet, please contact TA's email as soon as possible.

  • 2021/09/24 | Regarding the final project, KAIST students who want a random group should reply to email or KLMS by Saturday, September 25.

  • 2021/09/22 | HW1 is uploaded. For more details, check the homework folder in dropbox.

  • 2021/09/14 | Regarding the final project, UNIST students who want a random group should reply to TA's email by Friday, September 17.

  • 2021/09/08 | If you have any problems accessing the zoom class or course materials, please contact to TA's email or Q&A.

  • 2021/09/02 | Final project guidance is updated.