
Welcome to the DGC Productions website, host to all of my video games & mobile apps published under the DGC Productions name.

Feel free to browse the website and check out my PC Games and apps on Google Play.


About me

My name is Daniel Dedic, and I am the creator and owner of DGC Productions.

Software development and programming has been of great interest to me for a long time, so I wanted to be able to express my interest by publishing my games and programs online.

For specifics, majority of my games are written in Java using the jMonkeyEngine, both for computer and Android. However, there are some other projects in other languages & tools (HTML/CSS/JS, etc.)

All of my programs are free to download, with a few apps having mobile ads.

If you would like to view all of my computer games, for Windows and some for Mac and Linux, click below here!

If you would like to view all of my apps on Google Play, for Android phones, click below here!

Check these games out!

Techn0Haunt: Prelude demonstrates the increasing complexity and advancement of my programs from learning and experience.

InfiRunn displays my growth of my programming hobby from basic block-code to a full 3D mobile game.

Visit some platforms below!

If you need to contact me, contact me at ddan9926@gmail.com!