Hi, I'm Dr Deyong Zhu, Assis. Prof. at the University of Copenhagen (UCPH).

Current location

Universitetsparken 15, 2100 København, Denmark


PhD   The Chinese University of Hong KongBSc    University of Science and Technology of China  



Research Fields

4M: microbiology, multi-omics, microfluidics, material sciences

I am interested in understanding and controlling cell-cell / cell-environment interactions that govern how living matters function and evolve at micrometer scales. By developing cutting-edge biotechnologies, I use this knowledge to design micrometer-scale devices that have applications in health and environment. My current research focus is on understanding interactions and organization within biofilms consisting of ecologically relevant multispecies bacteria at intra- and inter-cellular level, and applying these insights to solve practical problems in e.g. bioremediation and active surface coatings on implants with probiotics. Tools used in my research include microfabricated devices, 3D bioprinting, genetic engineering, advanced quantitative imaging, high-throughput sequencing, multi-omics analysis and mathematical modelling.

Born and grew up in a small town in China, I developed a fascination for natural science in my middle school. Then I was enrolled in one of the most prestigious universities in China and got my BSc degree in Chemical Physics. Afterwards, I was allocated to different regions and countries around the world for further training as a PhD student and Postdoctoral researcher. The international experience gives me a wide vision of science, broad way of thinking, and adaptive ability to work with people from different backgrounds - You are always welcome to contact me if you have questions or are interested in collaboration.