Hello everyone... I started Overclocked a few days ago and and am in the middle of the 3rd day. I haven't been following any sort of walkthrough and have just been kinda winging it. I know the game has several endings and I've also heard it's very easy to switch ending routes without really knowing it.

I've tried googling but I can't find much and it keeps linking to youtube videos that spoil things in the title, so I was wondering if anyone had a link to (doesn't even have to be a walkthrough, just info on the endings) something helping me with the endings without spoiling anything significant. Hopefully the 3rd day isn't too late to change the path I'm all ready set on, haha.

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Early bad ending: I dont know If I should count this but it has the famous ending cutscene so I'm doing it anyway. Like the white ending in smt 4 its a early ending that doesn't technically count (unlike the white ending) i sorta wish It was a actual ending so I could just new game plus but its fine, its a bad ending anyways. Now onto the actual ranking

Yuzu (True neutral): Now Yuzu as a character i both like and dislike. Shes annoying, selfish, and always just want to run away from her problems, I dont like her, BUT its understandable why she'd feel that way, it doesn't excuse her for being annoying at times. Her ending is ehhhhhh okay I guess, The ending without the 8th day is basically the early bad ending (Which she also tries to convince you to do) so its bad. After that is okay, the 2 alternative 8th day endings are fine, tho I wish we could've fought babel, but its fine.

Gin (Neutral law): I like Gin, I like Haru, I like this ending. It's only low because its generic, You kick out the demons, nothing really cool or interesting, Though if there's one thing i like about this ending, its the emotional moment near the end where you have to say goodbye to Frosty, makes me cry every time ho.

Amane (Law): I have alot to say about this ending. 1. record scratch sucks. 2. The 8th day is basically Keisukes entire philosophy, That the evil and sinners should be Punished with death, No trial, No fair judgment, just death. A prison system would have been alot more moral but NOPE just kill em. I know they're beyond redemption but it doesn't seem right to just downright kill them. 3. The Okuninunshi fight sucks. Now for the things I liked. 1. Amane, she may be a lawfrick but she's cool. 2. I like the white cape, whites a cool color. 3. I sorta like the fact that King of bels are supposed to gain power and defeat God, except you. 4. I like how this is the only route to actually tell us why Naoya hates God, and Why the protagonist is a bel, Really gives us some much needed info. Besides that i like this ending.

5: Atsuro (Neutral Chaos): Gins ending but more creative, instead of JUST kicking the demons out, you are giving the demons to the country to help them out. No one without government access can use demons, and its fucking awesome. The cutcene that plays in the end is awesome, The fact that humanity can Achieve more with the power of demons is awesome, the fact that it's my MAN ATSUROS ROUTE IS AWESOME. It's just there's one ending that's more awesome.

6: Naoya/Kaido (Chaos): Becoming the King of the demons, and kicking it to God. What a ending. You've gone so far in so little time, just a few days ago you were meeting up with Atsuro to wait for Naoya, just a few days ago you witnessed the supernatural happen in front of your very eyes. Just a few days ago you achieved the impossible and defeated your first demon lord who just happened to be near Immortal. Just a few days ago you saved your friends from there fate. Now? You become the king of the thing that ruined so many people's lives, You become what so many pitiful angels fear, You have become the sole being, that may just Kill God. Even when everyone and everything is against you, you triumph in the end, even when the fear of your own man delivering the finishing blow against you, you triumph, and just before you know it, you and everyone who has fought along side you stands before what is considered the 2nd most powerful being in this universe. And even when fate is against you, even when everything seems hopeless, You stand strong, Convince every doubter who said you can't do it, and in the end, You kick that angels ass back to where he came from. But this battle isn't over, there is still one more enemy, one more being who can challenge you, and at that day where you meet the very being who made you suffer through this lockdown, the very thing that made your fellow man want to kill you, the one who destroyed these peaceful days, Only one will survive. What a ending.

Devil Survivor is set in modern-day Tokyo and follows a 17-year-old student and his friends, who see an outbreak of demons with some of them becoming their allies. The Protagonist also finds he has the ability to see a person's remaining lifespan and decides to work to avoid as many deaths as possible. Devil Survivor is a tactical role-playing video game where the player and computer control a number of squads composed of one leader and two supporting characters. Between combat, the player can explore several districts in Tokyo to either advance the plot by speaking to specific characters, discover new information, or take part in "free battles". The narrative can branch in multiple ways that result in different endings, which depend upon the player's decisions during critical moments throughout the story.

Devil Survivor is a tactical role-playing game. The player takes on the role of a young second year high school student. Between combat, the player can explore several districts in Tokyo to either advance the plot by speaking to specific characters, discover new information, or take part in "free battles" that are not story-driven but can be used to improve the party's skills and experience.[5] Certain story-based activities will advance the game's clock by a set amount of time, and may lead to other activities becoming no longer available or creating a new activity. The game's overall story is non-linear, and choices made earlier in the game may affect which characters and battles are available in the latter part of the game.[5] The enhanced version of Devil Survivor for the 3DS features an eighth day, which continues on from four of the six endings.

In the fifth day, the gang meets Naoya who reveals his intentions for his cousin to win the Throne of Bel.[28] It is also revealed he worked with the Shomonkai to create the programs to summon demons as to bring about this event, initially through the keyboard used by Aya, one of Haru's band members.[29] The Shomonkai sought to bring the king of demons Belberith to the world in order for the demons to win the battle,[30] and Naoya required the Protagonist and his friends to survive long enough for this event to happen. Depending on the path players take, the Protagonist comes to learn that Naoya and himself are the reincarnations of the biblical Cain and Abel, respectively which is why the Protagonist can become the new Messiah.[31]

Numerous choices made by the player will affect his friends and allies, and there are several endings to the game. Preventing the demon uprising can be accomplished in several ways; if the player follows Amane, he defeats the remaining Bels and takes control of demons in the name of God;[32] if the player follows Naoya, he takes control of demons as the Lord of Bel and declares war on God;[33] if the player follows Atsuro, the party convinces Naoya to reprogram the demon summoning server to allow all of humanity to access demon-based technology, creating a third technological revolution; if the player follows Gin, with the aid of Haru, the party permanently banishes demons from the human realm. The player can also follow Yuzu and break out of the lockdown to save themselves, allowing demons to escape Tokyo and wreak havoc upon the world.

In the initial European release of Devil Survivor Overclocked, some bugs were prevalent; among these were various game crashes such as after the player summoned a demon during a battle and another crash occurring during the devil auction. Ghostlight, the publisher, made an announcement regarding this on March 31, 2013, and said that they were doing everything they could to fix the problems as soon as possible.[39] On April 24, 2013, Ghostlight announced that a bug-fix patch had passed testing, and was to be submitted to Nintendo for distribution.[40] It was released on May 28, 2013.[41]

The 8th Day is a new chapter set after the events of the original Devil Survivor, expanding on three of the original game's endings. In Yuzu's 8th Day, the Protagonist, Yuzu, and Atsuro escape the lockdown only to discover the SDF has branded them terrorists and taken their families into custody. In order to clear their names, they return to the lockdown and agree to work with the SDF special forces in clearing out the remaining demons and destroying the Shomonkai's god, Belberith.[43] If the player undertakes a sidequest to restore the barrier separating the human and demon worlds, the demon invasion is ended; otherwise, demons continue to invade the world.

In Naoya's 8th Day, the Protagonist learns that Metatron is holding Tokyo hostage and extending the lockdown, forcing the remaining demon tamers to kill the new Overlord. If the Protagonist chooses to avoid killing the demon tamers, the people in the lockdown will gradually see the angels as their true enemy. This culminates in Yuzu, Amane, and Captain Izuna rallying the people in the Yamanote Circle behind the Overlord in opposition to God's tyranny. After defeating Metatron, the Protagonist soon leaves to rally the demons in a war against the Heavenly Host. If the Protagonist chooses to kill both the demon tamers and angels that get in his way, he soon becomes feared by the humans in the lockdown. This results in Yuzu and Midori allying with Metatron in an attempt to stop him. Once he is defeated, the Overlord soon extends his power to Japan and soon the rest of the human world, gradually uniting them as a single nation under his despotic rule before waging war against YHWH Himself.[44] be457b7860

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