The German version of Amazon features a wide range of audiobooks for all genres and tastes. Fans of CDs will be delighted, as that is the main medium in which they are sold here. However, downloads are also available, many of them for free.

Der deutsche Vermessungsingenieur Old Shatterhand kommt betr\u00fcgerischen Machenschaften bei der Verlegung einer neuen Eisenbahnlinie durch das Gebiet der Apachen auf die Spur. Nachdem er den H\u00e4uptlingssohn Winnetou vor dem Marterpfahl der feindlichen Kiowas gerettet hat, wird er von ihm in einem Kampf schwer verletzt und in das Indianerlager verschleppt... (Zusammenfassung aus Wikipedia)

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In ihrem 1846 erschienen Buch \"Meine Emancipation, Verweisung und Rechtfertigung\" legt sie ihren Fall der deutschen \u00d6ffentlichkeit vor und pl\u00e4diert leidenschaftlich f\u00fcr die Gleichheit der Geschlechter und das Recht der Frau auf freie Entfaltung ihrer Pers\u00f6nlichkeit. (Summary by Hokuspokus)

There are two main requirements for learning German, or any language, and making it stick: consistency and immersion. Audiobooks are great for consistency because you can easily make them a daily habit. And needless to say, audio is also great for immersing yourself in a language. With a German audiobook in your ears, you can just let the vocabulary, grammar, and cadence wash over you. While you might not pick it all up right away, the immersive nature of audiobooks makes the information easier to recall and remember than, say, simply flipping through a textbook.

The Pimsleur Method might be the perfect way to introduce beginners to the German language. Each lesson in the Pimsleur Method provides 30 minutes of German spoken language practice. Each of these lessons introduces new vocabulary and sentence structures, and each lesson builds on the previous one. Pimsleur German Level 1 is broken up into 30 lessons across six different audiobooks. The narration across the Pimsleur audiobooks is clear and easy to follow, which makes learning the German phrases a breeze.

If you loved the Pimsleur method when you were just beginning your German language journey, why not return to what worked, now that you're more experienced? Pimsleur German Level 2 offers 30 more 30-minute lessons, broken up across six more audiobooks.

Looking to continue your adventure in German long after you've finished the audiobooks of your choice? Then why not listen to Deutsch mit Schmidt, an ongoing podcast that will help you continue to build up your German language skills and work towards fluency. Each episode is hosted by Sascha Schmidt, who speaks in German for the entirety of the podcast in a clear, friendly, and approachable style.

If you have ever wanted to travel the globe, see some incredible sights, and experience the world like a local, then this bundle of two amazing audiobooks is for you. Next door neighbors, Spain and Germany, are two of the most well-regarded travel destinations on the planet....

More from Publishing Perspectives on the German book market is here and more on international industry statistics is here. More on audiobooks is here, more on ebooks is here, and more on bookstores is here.

Dietmar Br (born 5 February 1961) is a German actor. Since 1997 he has starred as Freddy Schenk in the popular television crime series Tatort and in rzte (a TV series in 1994). He has been in several films, including Mnner by Doris Drrie. He is a narrator of many audiobooks translated into German.

Bibliotheken, die mit OverDrive zusammenarbeiten, profitieren auerdem von einem Katalog mit Millionen von digitalen Medien in ber 100 Sprachen, darunter hunderttausende deutschsprachige E-Books und Hrbcher von deutschen Verlagen.

Die wachsende Akzeptanz und Nutzung in Deutschland, sterreich und der Schweiz ist auf den hervorragenden Katalog und die innovative Technologie des Unternehmens zurckzufhren. ffentliche Bibliotheken knnen aus Millionen von E-Books, Hrbchern und anderen digitalen Inhalten in Deutsch, Englisch und ber 100 weiteren Sprachen whlen. Im Katalog finden sich deutsche Verlage wie Hanser Verlag, Holtzbrink, S. Fischer und Rowohlt sowie Titel von deutschen und SPIEGEL-Bestsellerautoren wie Nele Neuhaus, Charlotte Link, Arno Strobel und Cornelia Funke.

To select a playlist, simply press the corresponding button on the front of the device. Each of the nine colorful buttons is assigned to a playlist. When you press a button, the playlist will start and the songs or audiobooks will play one after the other. To change the playlist, simply press the corresponding button.

With 2.4 million paying subscribers and up to 7 million unique users a month, RTL+ is already Germany's leading streaming service. The upcoming combination of Gruner + Jahr on 1 January 2022 will give RTL Deutschland access to premium video, audio, podcast and digital magazine content. For audiobooks, RTL+ is joining forces with German publisher Penguin Random House Verlagsgruppe, which, like RTL Deutschland, is part of Bertelsmann. For music, RTL Deutschland has entered into a partnership with Deezer, one of the world's leading audio-streaming services.

RTL+ will also feature music, audiobooks, radio plays and podcasts. For this, RTL+ has built partnerships with Deezer, one of the world's leading music streaming providers, and the German publisher Penguin Random House Verlagsgruppe. The offering will also include AUDIO NOW's extensive and exclusive range of podcasts and music from RTL's radio stations.

Wegen des anhaltenden Erfolgs im deutschsprachigen Raum wurde die Reihe im Jahre 1993, nach der Einstellung in den USA, zuerst von der sterreichischen Autorin Brigitte-Johanna Henkel-Waidhofer weitergefhrt; nach 16 Bchern bernahmen verschiedene deutsche Autoren die Fortfhrung der Serie. Die Geschichten basieren somit seit Folge 57 (Hrspiel-Nummerierung) nicht mehr auf amerikanischen Vorlagen. Nachdem der Lizenzvertrag mit Alfred Hitchcock in den USA auslief und nicht verlngert wurde, lie man Hitchcock in Deutschland dennoch in den Geschichten weiterleben, da man eine Lizenz fr die Verwendung des Namens bis 2004 hatte. Erst seit Ablauf der Lizenz 2005 erscheint die Serie nicht mehr unter Hitchcocks Namen. Zwischen 2005 und 2007 fhrte ein Rechtsstreit ber die Lizenzierung zwischen den Erben Robert Arthurs, dem Hrspiellabel Europa und dem Kosmos-Verlag zu einer Aussetzung der Hrspielserie und Lieferstopp einzelner Romane. 2008 konnten sich beide Parteien auergerichtlich auf eine gemeinsame Fortsetzung mit den Erben Arthurs einigen (siehe auch Kapitel Streit um Urheberrechte).

In 1964, the Random House publishing company and the Kosmos publishing company started to publish the translated 43 original books. In 1979, German publisher Europa started publishing an audiobook series based on those original 43 books. In 1993, Kosmos started to publish new books written by German authors, which are still being released and adapted to audiobooks until today. In total, this resulted in a canon of over 200 books (6 books per year, 3 during spring and 3 during autumn) and 201 audiobooks as of December 2018.

Because of a litigation between Europa and Kosmos, which disallowed Europa to use the names coined by Kosmos, Europa had to rebrand the Die drei ??? audiobooks series to DIE DR3I. DIE DR3I was almost identical to Die drei ??? and also used the same German voice actors but used the characters' original English names instead of their German ones. After the litigation ended, DIE DR3I was discontinued and the original Die drei ??? audiobook series was picked up again.

The audiobooks released by Europa have been especially popular in Germany, many having been certified Gold or Platinum by the German Federal Association of Music Industry. In total, the audiobooks have sold more than 45 million copies, while the novels have only sold roughly 16 million copies as of 2013.

Die schnsten deutschen Sagen von Wassermnnern, Klabautern und Nixen. Der Sage nach lebten sie in oder an Quellen, Flssen, Seen oder am Meer: Klabautermnnlein, die die Schiffe beschtzen, Nixen, die die Seeleute in die Tiefe locken, oder der mchtige Meermann Ekke Nekkepenn. In ihnen hat das Wissen von der lebensspendenden wie todbringenden Kraft des Wassers Gestalt angenommen.

Die schnsten deutschen Sagen ber Knige, Ritter und Edelfrulein: von Kaiser Karl bis Lohengrin. Das einfache Volk hat sie bewundert und gefrchtet: Die Knige und Kaiser, die mchtigen Ritter und ihre Burgfrulein. Viele Volks- und Heldensagen erzhlen bis heute von ihrem Ruhm und ihren Taten. Und von manchem Herrscher geht die Sage, dass er nicht gestorben sei, sondern nur schlafe, um eines Tages wiederzukehren und dem Volk in groer Not zu Hilfe zu kommen.

Expertly narrated audiobooks with a heart for children in need. Each audiobook comes complete with music and immersive sound effects for a truly enriching listening or read-along journey. Seamlessly switch between read-along mode with page-turn indication or enjoy uninterrupted listening anytime, anywhere.

Our collection of bilingual picture books is the perfect way to introduce your child to a new language. With side-by-side text in Ukrainian and German, and professionally narrated audiobooks with immersive music and sound effects, your child will be learning and having fun at the same time. ff782bc1db

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