Stories from Community Experts

Our Racial Equity Fellows are community experts working on the ground to fight structural racism in Detroit. 

Detroit pumps more money into ShotSpotter

Detroit has approved more funding for ShotSpotter technology, and residents are divided on how they feel about it.

Watch the discussion starting at minute 13:55.

On American Black Journal, music producer, artist, and social justice activist Bryce Anderson [aka Bryce Detroit] discusses the concept of “entertainment justice” in light of the recent entertainment partnership between rapper Jay-Z and the NFL.


A new film that combines music video and documentary filmmaking to shine a light on Michigan’s water crises.

“We’re using hip hop music and documentary techniques to provoke and educate people with regards to the poisoning of Flint, the poisoning of Detroit school students and the risk of pumping oil through the Great Lakes,” said Will See Music, hip hop artist, activist and Detroit Equity Action Lab Fellow.

(By award winning Detroit director Kate Levy and legendary Detroit MC, activist and Detroit Equity Action Lab Fellow Will See.)

Detroit Equity Action Lab Fellow Jayesh Patel: "I've always been interested in social justice. In this day and age of the million-dollar defense, I began asking, 'What if everybody got the same level of service?' and that's how Street Democracy was born," Patel explains. "But we also realized that without addressing the underlying causes of poverty and homelessness, we would only be performing legal triage."

"Tawana Petty and Dessa Cosma of the Detroit Equity Action Lab joined Stateside today to discuss some of the ways white people can become part of the struggle for racial justice in America.

"Service to her community has always been a driving factor for [Kate] Baker. With a bachelor's degree in government and urban studies from Smith College, a master's in urban planning from Wayne State University and a career path in community development, Baker's new position as executive director of Oakland Housing allows her to sync all her passions."

Environmental Racism in Detroit

Watch this video by the Climate Justice Alliance, featuring DEAL 3 Fellow Michelle Martinez.

"The Democratic presidential debates will take place in Detroit against the backdrop of a city fighting for clean air and water and historic struggles against environmental racism."

"Tell the candidates to stand with Southwest Detroit (the most polluted zip code in Michigan) on July 31st and listen to their solutions to the crisis!"