Policing and Surveillance in Detroit

Explore issues of policing, surveillance, and accountability amid the systems of structural racism in Detroit.

Detroit's Project Green Light

Let's consider the cost of 24-hour surveillance in Detroit, a majority Black city.

According to experts, Detroit's Project Green Light is proving to be a dangerous surveillance program through its invasion of rights and use of flawed, discriminatory practices⁠—particularly through facial recognition technology.

WATCH: Policing Minds, Bodies, and Borders in Detroit

Detroiters Speak is an open community classroom featuring Detroit-based speakers and guests. Our focus for the Winter 2019 semester was: Whose Safety? Policing Minds, Bodies, and Borders in Detroit.

Click here to watch full recordings from the series and learn more.

Brought to you by the U-M Semester in Detroit Program, the WSU Department of African American Studies, and the Detroit Equity Action Lab, an initiative of the Damon J. Keith Center for Civil Rights.

Wayne State University Police Department

Detroit Equity Action Lab questions role of police, asks for greater transparency, accountability of Wayne State University Police Department

Based on our observations, the police incident that took place outside of the Wayne State University Law School on Nov. 13, 2018, is troubling and calls into question whether and when such police actions and protocol are appropriate.

Read our full statement on the incident.