Detroit: On the Road to Reinvention

What do jobs, othering, public resources, housing, transportation, education, water and development have in common? They are all a part of the struggle for equity in Detroit.

Detroit Equity Tool Kit

What do jobs, othering, public resources, housing, transportation, education, water and development have in common? They are all a part of the struggle for equity in Detroit.

Use our most recent project, the Detroit Equity Tool Kit, to help you:

  1. Get informed on systemic, racial equity issues in Detroit and how they are connected.
  2. Prepare to engage with decision-makers.

Use our tool kit to learn about the struggle for equity in Detroit today.

Detroit Equity Fact Sheet

We made this for you! Use this fact sheet on the struggle for equity in Detroit and the included questions to demand answers from Detroit's decision-makers.

See more on each issue in our Detroit Equity Tool Kit: You can also join the conversation online by tagging posts with #DetroitVotes4Equity.

Use our fact sheet to engage with decision-makers on the struggle for equity in Detroit.

#DetroitVotes4Equity Twitter Town Hall

We shared information, videos, tool kits, maps and other resources on the struggle for equity in the first #DetroitVotes4Equity Twitter Town Hall.

The Twitter town hall focused on water, housing and education in Detroit and covered everything from impact and accountability to vision and next steps.

To lead the discussion, we were joined by: We the People of Detroit; 482Forward; Prof. Peter J. Hammer, Director of the Damon J. Keith Center for Civil Rights; and Prof. Bernadette Atuahene, Visiting Professor at Wayne State University Law School.

See a full recap of our Twitter discussion for an overview of water, housing and education in Detroit.