Janae Wilson (she/her)

DEAL 8 Racial Equity Fellow

Sr. Operations Manager | ProsperUs Detroit

Janae L. Wilson is the Sr. Operations Manager at ProsperUs Detroit and loves helping people to develop professionally, embrace diversity, and engage with their local community. She has spent the majority of her career in the community development and technology industries, gaining experiences in areas such as program management, diversity and inclusion, and operations. While fostering an inclusive organizational culture is her primary job function by day, Janae also enjoys supporting Detroit businesses and adventuring through skydiving.


Q: What is something you love about where you live?

A: I love Detroit, because I am Detroit! I was born and raised on the Eastside of Detroit, and because of that I have experienced what it means to come from a city of hustlers. I love the Detroit hustle, across all areas of the city.