Triniti Watson

Racial Equity Fellow — DEAL 7 | 2022-23 Cohort

Grants & Friendraising Coordinator, Interdisciplinary Writer

Triniti Watson is the grants and friendraising coordinator at Healing by Choice! and loves helping people locate community resources, tell their own stories, and ground in their capacities to shape change. Working creatively at the intersections of healing and reclamation, Triniti seeks to dream of new worlds that tend to the needs of all beings, and utilizes writing as a tool to base build with people across differences.

She has spent the majority of her career in both for-profit and community-based organizations, gaining experiences in areas such as strategic planning, human-centered design thinking, and facilitation. While fundraising is her primary job function by day, Triniti also enjoys studying Black Quantum Futurism and learning about embodiment through ancestral wisdom.