Introducing the DEAL 9 Racial Equity Fellows!

Jan. 22, 2025

Here's a look at the 2025 cohort of our Racial Equity Fellowship (a.k.a. DEAL 9)! 

Our Racial Equity Fellowship is a year-long program for emerging and experienced leaders with a deep commitment to racial equity. We officially kicked off DEAL 9, our newest cohort, with a two-day orientation earlier this month!

The orientation sets the groundwork for this year-long experience of:

One of the highlights of our orientation experience is giving fellows an opportunity to share an artifact that represents their personal connection to the work. 

It was an honor to witness the fellows' authenticity and vulnerability as they shared their stories. 

We heard themes of safety, home, and connection through a myriad of artifacts including cultural objects, quotes, old photos, artwork, books, and more! It was an important moment for centering our humanity. 

This experience really is co-created! We're looking forward to seeing what this year holds, and sharing snippets of it with you along the way.

But first, get to know the DEAL 9 cohort!

P.S. If you're curious about our Racial Equity Fellowship and want to learn more about our program, please check out this page.