Projeto do Mestrado Profissional em Ciência de Dados - MECAI/USP Turma 2021/01
Disciplina de Probabilidade e Estatística
Doutorando USP
Professor Dr. ICMC-USP
Doutorando USP
Aplicar técnicas de aprendizado de máquina, utilizando-se do corpus FAKEBR como referência de aprendizado, para predizer a probabilidade de um determinado texto ser uma FAKE NEWS
Repositório e Links
Página para identificação de Fake News (referência do projeto)
Opinando - Projeto do Instituto de Linguística da USP sobre aspectos da língua brasileira
Monteiro, R., Santos, R., Pardo, T., Almeida, T., Ruiz, E., & Vale, O. (2018). Contributions to the Study of Fake News in Portuguese: New Corpus and Automatic Detection Results. (Vol. 11122 LNAI) Springer International Publishing.
Silva, R., Santos, R., Almeida, T., & Pardo, T. (2020). Towards automatically filtering fake news in Portuguese. Expert Systems with Applications, 146, 113199.
Furnival, A., & Santos, T. (2019). Disinformation and fake news: development, detection and ways of fighting it. Conexao-Comunicacao E Cultura, 18(36), 94–113.
De S Santos, R., De Sousa, R., Rabelo, R., & Moura, R. (2016). An experimental study based on Fuzzy Systems and Artificial Neural Networks to estimate the importance of reviews about product and services. Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, 2016-Octob(December 2018), 647–653.
Figueira, ., & Oliveira, L. (2017). The current state of fake news: Challenges and opportunities. Procedia Computer Science, 121, 817–825.
Borges, L., Martins, B., & Calado, P. (2019). Combining similarity features and deep representation learning for stance detection in the context of checking fake news. Journal of Data and Information Quality, 11(3).
Santos, R., & Pardo, T. (2020). Fact-checking for Portuguese: Knowledge graph and google search-based methods. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 12037 LNAI(March), 195–205.
Abonizio, H., Morais, J., Tavares, G., & Junior, S. (2020). Language-independent fake news detection: English, Portuguese, and Spanish mutual features. Future Internet, 12(5), 1–18.