Enjoy traditional Hawaiian dishes as well as familiar favorites from salads to a tempting dessert selection. Following dinner, journey to Tahiti, New Zealand, Hawaii and Samoa through the songs and dances of these Pacific cultures. The spellbinding Samoan fire dance is a spectacular sight!

One early episode, sadly not in the audio library but recorded by typed transcript, featured a real-life castaway Captain A.E. Dingle who in his 22 years as a mariner managed to get shipwrecked five times, including a three-month spell on an island in the Indian Ocean where the crew survived eating rabbit, goat and fish before being rescued by a French sailing ship.

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If a song is requested specifically, and is spelled correctly, K.K. Slider will give you a copy of the song to place in your record players. If the song is not spelled correctly, he will instead play a random song and apologize after its conclusion, and you will need to wait a week before you can request a song again.

These songs can be requested of K.K. directly, however if you incorrectly request a song (such as through a spelling error), K.K. will sing one of the three instead. These songs are included in the checklist above.

THE SEIRENES (Sirens) were three monstrous sea-nymphs who lured sailors to their death with a bewitching song. They were formerly handmaidens of the goddess Persephone and when she was secretly abducted by Haides, Demeter gave them the bodies of birds to assist in the search. They eventually gave up and settled on the flowery island of Anthemoessa.

Seneca, Medea 355 ff (trans. Miller) (Roman tragedy C1st A.D.) :

"[On the voyage of the Argonauts :] What, when the deadly pests [Seirenes (Sirens)] soothed the Ausonian sea with their tuneful songs, when, sounding back on his Pierian lyre, Thracian Orpheus well-nigh forced the Siren to follow, though wont to hold ships spell-bound by her song?"

Pseudo-Apollodorus, Bibliotheca E7. 18 - 19 (trans. Aldrich) (Greek mythographer C2nd A.D.) :

"[Odysseus] sailed past the island of the Seirenes (Sirens). They were the daughters of Akheloios (Achelous) and the Mousa (Muse) Melpomene, and their names were Peisinoe, Aglaope, and Thelxiepeia. One played the cithara, the second sang, and the third played the flute, and in this manner they used to persuade passing sailors to remain with them. From the thighs down they had the shape of birds. As Odysseus sailed past, he wanted to hear their song, so, following Kirke's (Circe's) instructions, he plugged the ears of his comrades with wax, and had them tie him to the mast, When the Sierenes persuaded him to stay with them, he begged to be set free, but his men tied him even tighter, and thus he sailed past. An oracle had said that the Seirenes would die if a ship ever made it past them; and indeed they died."

Assassin - One student stands in the middle of a circle. The students in the circle know that one person in the circle is the "assassin." When the "assassin" sticks their tongue out at a student, that student must pretend to die dramatically. Amid the commotion, the middle person must figure out who the assassin is.Rock Star - Split your group into two teams. When it's their turn, each team must grab a word from a bowl (words can be common ones such as rain, baby or sun) and try to sing as many songs using that word as they can. See how long they can go until they run out of songs using that word.Desert Island - Each person goes around the circle and says one thing they would take with them on a desert island. The next person must then name the items before them and add their own item on. Keep going until someone makes a mistake!Think Fast - Give students a few minutes and tell them to learn all the names they can. Then split the group into two teams. Have one student from each team stand on either side of a barrier (like a dark blanket or sheet). Make sure they can't see each other, then without warning, drop the sheet. The first person to say the other's name gets a point for their team!The Number Game - Have the students sit in a circle and attempt to count to 10. Explain that there is no set order or time for calling out the numbers. Anyone can call out the next number, BUT if they say the number at the same time as someone else, the group must start over. Once the group reaches 10, try to get to 20!Rainbow Categories - Have two students stand up. Let the group pick a category (like animals) and a color (like orange). The students must then alternate, trying to name orange animals for as long as possible until one hesitates. When one person stops, the other student wins.What's Different? - Students all pair up and get 30 seconds to memorize everything about their partner's appearance. When the time is called, they turn away from each other and change something (i.e. take off a headband or button another button). Which pair can identify each other's changes the fastest?By using just a few of these icebreakers, you're sure to have a close-knit group within minutes! be457b7860

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