The Interior Design Color Trends To Look Out For In 2019

2019 is just a few weeks away, and the interior design industry is continuously growing. But every year there is a great debate on the selection of the color of the year.

Yes! It happens because the color of the year will decide the interior design pattern. At the time the color of the year is used in shades form and the other time in the hues.

Colors are essential elements because they make the life and spaces vibrant. As Wassily Kandinsky said:

"Color is the power which directly influences the soul"

No matter if you are taking up a project in the home interior or commercial interior color becomes central to everything else. It is about time we talk about the interior design color trends 2019, the colors which are most likely to be trending in the coming year.

Interior Design Color Trends 2019

There is no better time to refresh the color scale than New Year because interior design companies and designers across the globe will be gearing up for new projects.

interior design color trends 2019

If you are in Dubai and want to give your spaces a fresher look with the colors that will be trending in the upcoming year then consult with the professional and creative interior designers in UAE. After all being in the market for years, they will know what color is hitting the year.

Below is the list of colors which are probably becoming the hottest trend in the interior design industry in two weeks down the line:

Black Is Going To Shine:

No matter which year you are in people always loves to have that black hints in their spaces. You can use combine black with almost anything and anywhere it will stand strong.

Black is bold, vibrant and edgy and it is undoubtedly going to be a hit in 2019.

Not ready to go all the way black? Try a purple-toned version like this to make a softer impact.


Since the past few years, people have been adding hints of purple in commercial places. Considering interior design color trends 2019, I believe that purple is here to stay for the longest.

Mix and match of purple series will make the overall space bright and bold in several different ways so if you are trying to renovate kitchen interior or interior design living room, don’t forget to add tints of purple.

Metallic Replacing Neutrals:

When you are designing the interior, then metallic is the top choice because they not only give a rich look but they also mesh with a lot of other colors and textures.

Use the minimalistic features and mix textures in metallic will give your place classy yet glamorous look to your place. No matter which place you are designing next you can always add some metallic to bring out the luxury vibe.

Concluding Remarks

Interior designing process is dependent on the color scheme and color selections. When you are about to enter 2019, then there is no way you shouldn't consider colors which will be turning on the vibe.

If you are not able to select the right scheme, then look no further than interior design companies in Dubai because they knows the interior design color trends 2019, and suggest you the colors that suits best your requirements and are trending.

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