Janet Derr-Littman

Special Populations Coordinator

Career and Technical Education (CTE) Department

Hickory City Schools

 Janet Derr-Littman


Janet Derr-Littman is a licensed Special Populations Coordinator (SPC) and a National Board Certified Teacher (NBCT) with over 15 years experience teaching Business and Information Technology Education with Hickory City Schools.  She holds a Masters in Business Administration and has received numerous accolades and awards. She believes in a work-life balance. You’ll find her busy ensuring equity for CTE special population students as well as spending time with the cutest little granddaughter, family, and friends. 


Phone:  828-322-5860 ext. 2264 Email:  derrlittmanja@hickoryschools.net Schedule a Meeting:  Appointment Calendar

Derr-Littman is the SPC for two high schools, Hickory and HCAM, and for two middle schools, Grandview and Northview.

The Special Populations Coordinator ensures equity and access for all CTE participants, and seeks to develop working relationships with stakeholders to meet the needs of special populations. 

Special Populations as defined by the Strengthening CTE Act for the 21st Century (Perkins V):



Throughout the year, the SPC provides teacher support and resources to CTE teachers. For more information about any of the shared resources or assistance in utilizing them in the classroom, schedule an appointment with the SPC.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Tools

Behavioral Management Strategies 

CTE Specific Information

Other Resources

CTE Leadership team

The CTE Leadership Team works together to:

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Hickory Public Schools CTE is committed to bringing you the best of what we offer.  Whether it's celebrating the success of our students, the excellence of our staff, or inspiring stories and programs.  We want to make sure you're in the loop.
