At last, the truth will be exposed so that YOU can cure your Keratosis Pilaris naturally and get your confidence back - from the comfort of your own home.

As a 15-year KP sufferer myself, I will show you how I cleared my skin permanently, started to feel comfortable in tank tops again, finally wasn't petrified to be touched on my body, stopped wasting money trying every skincare cream at the stores, and was releived there was nothing to pick anymore!

Dear Chronic KP Sufferer,

I vividly remember the first time keratosis pilaris effected my life. I was 14 years old and infuated with a cute boy.

We were at Six Flags ready to get on a roller coaster. While waiting in line, he started to get close to me and rub my arms because he thought I was cold.

After about 30 seconds, he stopped and asked...

"What is that rash on your arms? Is it contagious?"

At that point... I was so embrassed. I didn't know what to say. I felt like I was going to cry. It was a long ride that is for sure.

We didn't see much of each other after that because I was too embrassed to go around him again.

KP didn't really bother me until that point in my life but after that horrific episode... I became totally self conscious and obsessed with it.

I went to dermatoligist after dermatoligist, over 10 in all, hoping that one would say... "Just take this and your skin will be clear". But they all acted like it wasn't a big deal, told me to live with it, wrote me a script for a useless skin cream, and made me feel like I was wasting their time.

I tried skin cream after skin cream, I literally spent thousands. It probably made my KP worse.

All the while I was becoming more and more depressed that this skin condition was controlling my life.

I was too scared to date... much less get close to someone.

I made excuses every weekend when my friends asked me to go to the beach or go swimming.

I'd would even get mad at the weatherman for saying it was going to be sunny and 80 degrees out tomorrow so that meant I'd be the weird one wearing the long sleeve shirt while being scorched by the sun.

That was always the question I was always asked...

"Its 100 degrees out here... Why on earth are you wearing long pants and sleeves?"

I'm sure you know the feeling.

It's like a rollercoaster of useless hope.

You head to the pharmacy...

You spend $50 on some new skin cream.

After you've been applying it for 3 days... you check your results in the mirror.

Subconsciously... you tell yourself you see a slight improvement.

You keep applying the cream for a week or so.

You check your results in the mirror.

Finally, you realize that your skin looks worse now than before you started applying the cream.

You become frustrated, depressed, and feel hopeless.

Then you repeat with some new cream or treatment... getting the same results.

Trust me... I've been on that ride so many times I should get free tickets ;)

After Fighting KP For Over 15 Years...

I Know Exactly How You Feel

Growing up I always felt I was hiding something from the world. Not showing the real me. I could tell that others noticed it too.

The bumps. The redness. The picking. It was just so depressing.

Everytime I tried not to think about it I'd just look down and see my arms and think to myself...

I don't want to live with this my whole life.

I've heard all the comments from others.

I could write a book on all the excuses I've gave through the years to avoid outings where I'd need to show my skin.

I've went through doctors and medications like a revolving door.

One phrase the doctors would always tell me was...

"It'll get better by the time you hit 30."

Yeah right... It only seemed to get worse as I aged.