1.1  Sarangani Province Profile

Sarangani is a mixture of rich Filipino culture that continues to imbibe the values and traditions of its tri-people which consists of Christians, Muslims, and Lumads; living together in harmony and peace.  The tribal villages are rich in cultural traditions which are evident in their daily lifestyle and craftsmanship.

1.1.1 The Birth of Sarangani

Sarangani Province was established as an independent province in 1992 through Republic Act 7228 authored by former Representative James L. Chiongbian. This landmark legislation spurred development in the former third district of South Cotabato. Since                 Pre-Spanish time, Sarangani has been occupied by indigenous tribes and Muslim groups whose rich cultural heritage has meaningfully survived to this day.                                               

Sarangani was the name given due to its proximity to Sarangani Bay. The name itself was legendary–it was about Saranganing, an adventurous son of Sangil family who came from the coast of Celebes Sea. His sailing brought him to the Sultanate of Buayan (now General Santos City), the stronghold of Maguindanaoans. His outstanding character impressed the people that they named the bay in his honor. The inhabitants of the place are now called Sarangans.

1.1.2 Geography and Location

Sarangani is Region XII’s 4th province. It is Mindanao’s front door to Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia and Philippines-East Asia Growth Association (BIMP-EAGA). It is cut midway by General Santos City, giving its two sections hammock-like shapes that hug the mountains and Sarangani Bay. It is located at the southernmost part of Mindanao and the Philippines. It lies between latitude of about 50 33’ 41” to 60 32’ 4” North and longitude of about 1240 21’ 39.6” to 1250 35’ 11” East, bounded on the North by the province of South Cotabato, on the south by Sarangani Bay and Celebes Sea, on the east by Davao del Sur, and on the west by

Sultan Kudarat.

1.1.3 Topography and Land Area

Figure 1.3 Sarangani’s Countryside

Sarangani is panoramic bedrock of mountains and cliffs overlooking the Mindanao Sea. It is endowed with rich marine life and agricultural lands. The Province has a total land area of 3,986.64 square kilometers which is 20.27% of the total land area of SOCSKSARGEN (Region XII).

Among the seven municipalities comprising the Province, Malungon has the largest land area of 896.63 sq. km. or 22.49% of the total land area, followed by Glan with 697.60 sq. km., while Maitum, with only 324.35 sq. km is the smallest municipality with 8.14% share of the provincial land area. The topography is among the major challenges of the Division of Sarangani in the delivery of basic education services.