Deokjong Jeong


September 2023 - Present

February 2023 - Present

September 2022 - January 2023

September 2021 - February 2023

September 2020 - January 2023

September 2019 - August 2020

October 2018 - February 2023

June 2012 - August 2012


Ph.D. in Industrial & Systems Engineering, KAIST, 2018 (Daejeon, Republic of Korea)

M.S. in Industrial & Systems Engineering, KAIST, 2015 (Daejeon, Republic of Korea)

B.A. in Management Science (IT Business), KAIST, 2013 (Daejeon, Republic of Korea)

Fields of Interest

Finance, Banking, International Finance, Computational Economics, Financial Economics, Financial Engineering


A. Books 

The resilient growth (in Korean)

B. Refereed Journal Papers

It matters where the capital comes from

The relationship between housing finance and inequality (link)

CEO Compensation: Holmström and Tirole (1993) Revisited (link)

Crossing the borders: Foreign investment and sentiment in Korea (link)

“Too central to fail” systemic risk measure using PageRank algorithm (link)

The more connected, the better?: impact of connectedness on volatility and price discovery in the Korean financial sector (link)

Which net capital flows matter? (link)

C. Domestic Conference Papers

Agent-based modeling for the Korean housing sector (in Korean)

D. Working Papers

Understanding the patterns of inter- and intra-day price movements of emerging stock markets in Asia 

E. Awards

Valuing ABS on smartphones by modeling prepayment rates and its expectations (in Korean)

Developing intellectual property-based financial products focused on ABS, SPAC, ETF on patents (in Korean)

F. Editorial

Need to strengthen real estate tax 

Research Projects and Grants

Strategic reaction to the changes of energy technology and the new global order after COVID-19 crises

Understanding network characteristics in the financial system and its impacts on global capital flows and economy: interdisciplinary research from finance and computer science

Industrial future strategy for sustainable economic development

Analyzing database and management system of the Korea Exchange

A model of capital flow determinants of the Korean capital market

Impact of social investment for National Pension Service Funds 

Self-evolving agent-based model simulation for socio-economic change prediction 

Establishing agreements among international organizations (including ASEAN+3) for macroprudential policy measures in response to capital volatility 

The risk topography and risk detection system of Korean financial market and Korea Exchange for systemic risk management

Shadow banking system and the role of financial derivative products 

Professional Services

A. Referee

B. Advisory & Consultancy

C. Membership


CFA Level 1 exam pass

Financial Risk Manager Part 1&2 pass

Foreign Exchange Manager

Level 2 Japanese-Language Proficiency Test

Level 2 Certificate HANJA-Literary (Chinese character) Proficiency 

Teaching Experiences

A. Instructor

    Economics and Finance

    Data Analysis and Programming

    Business, Management, and Entrepreneurship


B. Course Development

C. Special Lecture

D. Award

E. Teaching Assistant

F. Student Advice & Students’ Achievements