Feedback 7 Photos Print #6

2022, May 19

I presented 7 photographs at our print discussion evening at the NAFVA.

Printed on A3+ matt paper from Epson (photo size 32x42cm). And framed them in 40x50cm passe-partouts.

For sure I need some help how to print my photographs correctly. It almost looked the prints were a bit in sepia. I didn’t liked this at all. But for today I wanted to hear some advise and guidance how to continue in the photographs itself. Am I trying too hard to find particular things in my photographs? And which photos should I continue with in making a new series.

When I showed my photographs I already received the feedback about this sepia color scheme.
The advise is also to make sure you change the default print settings to really only print in black and white.

Also when developing your photographs in Lightroom make sure to remove the colours in the saturation before changing it to black and white. Another advise I received was to use levels in Photoshop to make sure to check out the left/right on the B&W.

Also the day after I received some guidance from two other members with their suggestions. Just make virtual copies of your photographs and call them print versions, just play with those, maybe for print you need to over saturate / contrast etc. so it will come out correctly.

The feedback on the three possible series was actually very surprising. And that just proved why it’s so good to talk to others about your photos.

Most of them wondered why I am so eager to make a series. Making a series is often the case for looking for a subject to focus on. But I don’t need that in any of my submitted photos. Every photo tells a story already. And there is already a coherence in the photos. It can already be seen that these are your photos. The photos transcend the series.

That gave me a very free feeling. Now I can focus much more on those street photography scenes. Instead of having to search hard for a speci!c related topic.

At the end of the evening the discussion leader chooses consultation with those present – the Photo of the Month.

Again it is not a competition but happy my photographs and those from another member were selected for the ones that people liked the most. There was 1 vote more for the other member. But for me the evening was already successful because of the good advice.

I submitted these 7 photos

Serie 1 – Behind the Glass
Serie 2 – Work and Chill
Serie 3 – Streets with multiple layers

But I will not put them into series anymore :-)