Vivian Maier works in color

2020, June 30


Instead of buying some new camera stu! again (which is not giving me better photos).
I am at Vivian Maier – Works in Color at Foam Amsterdam and buying the book Street Photographer (the B&W one instead of color :-) ).

This gave me more insights and learnings then just buying something new camera stuff again.

My learnings from today;

1. Don’t worry about getting recognition
2. Shoot, shoot, shoot, anything YOU like
3. Pinsharp is overrated
4. Stop GAS (Gear acquisition syndrome) keep on shooting with my FUJI XF10 

5. Record your now, your current time

6. Color is beautiful too

Go more outside, learn from others, pick up my Lomography style again. Buy books!

Because I like the colors in these photos so much. I am checking if I can use a Lightroom preset which I can use as starting point in my post.Her photos were mostly shot with Kodak Tri-X and Kodak Ektachrome film.

I found a free preset:
You get the soft matte texture with increased highlights and softened shadows. Like most slide films, this preset also gives a light

emphasis on blue tones.It is a good starting point to use this preset. I am only doing some minor extra tweaks in the tone.