Get To Know More about Bunion Solutions in Houston

Health and fitness should be on the topmost position of our priority list and many acknowledge with it. However, there are certain natural problems faced by some people who need medical care and sometimes, surgeries. Bunions are one such problem. While most of the bunions are naturally occurring either from birth or after attaining a certain age, some may even occur due to negligence of people in the beginning. So, before we begin with our article on bunion surgery in Houston has developed over the years, let us have a brief outlook on the term itself.

A bunion is a medical condition where there is a boney growth or at times, enlargement of the bones or even, swollen tissues in the base joint of toes. The condition arises when the big toe bone gets shifted from its position towards inside due to which the area becomes inflamed. Now, this inflammatory condition leads to red, swollen areas that cause immense pain.

Formation of bunions

While genetic factors play a vital role in the formation, sometimes accidents can also add to the woes. So, let’s start with the genetic factors first. People suffering from bunions usually have their parents or grandparents suffering from it as well. Hence, if your previous generation had bunions, there is an ample chance that you will also get the same in the future and this predisposition of bone displacement is often triggered by wearing ill-fitting shoes or walking inappropriately. Moreover, this deformation can be seen in women often as they wear high heels which causes stress on the feet while walking resulting in the formation of bunions.

This is the reason why many women find it difficult to find the right heels that comfort their natural walking. The high heels tend to put the body weight on the toes that result in bone displacement or swollen tissues at the base joint. So, what do you do when you experience inflammation in the toes and minor pain? Well, that's where the podiatrist comes in.

Podiatrist – an alternative to bunion surgery Houston

A podiatrist is a medical practitioner who has expertise in foot structure and biomechanics. Undergoing a diagnosis at primitive stages ensure the condition of your foot and distinguishes the bunion from gout or arthritis. If you wish to visit a podiatrist, you can recommend any known or famous podiatrist for bunion solutions Houston on the internet and schedule an appointment. But make sure that you have your blood test reports and family medical history done beforehand as it will help reduce your time for diagnosis at the podiatrist and follow with the rest of the diagnosis for bunions like radiology, X-rays, etc.

But if you have just started experiencing the swell and pain, you can get rid of bunions without even visiting the podiatrist. You can opt for wide shoes that remove the pressure from the toes and reduce the pain. You can also follow some exercise routine, especially for feet to reduce the swell and make your feet tissues stronger. Moreover, eliminating high-heeled shoes can aid you in reducing pain. However, if the pain persists, you can opt for anti-inflammatory drugs and injections. Orthopedic shoes can also prove to help reduce pain. Furthermore, if none of these helps, you may have to undergo the knife and the podiatrist will have to perform bunion surgery.

Bunion surgery Houston – how it’s done

Bunion solutions in Houston provides to help people getting permanent relief from the pain. Surgery helps to reposition the toe to its initial position, and this can be done either by taking out a section of bone or by rearranging the tissues of the ligaments. This rearranging of ligaments is done to align your toes so that the tendons can properly help in keeping them aligned. Most importantly, there are little to no repercussions of the surgery and one can lead life normally like nothing ever happened.