Crop farming allows players to plant any of several vegetables and other crops on farmland, which then grow over time and can be harvested for food. This page covers four separate crops, all of which share essentially the same growth mechanics, though they produce different crops. All four seeds need to grow to maturity to produce more crops.

Each crop requires a seed for planting, and getting the first few can be non-trivial. After the first few seeds, or the first carrot or potato are planted, they eventually produce more seeds or vegetables than you started with. These can be used to replant, and plant more empty spots, until you've filled your farm. All four crops provide food for the player, and also to breed various farm animals. In addition to the sources listed below, all four crops can be found in village farms, and sometimes in village chests.

Hay Day Farm Designs Level 30

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Players may want to set up a wheat farm early on, to provide bread as their first food supply; however, as the game progresses, better foods become available, and the wheat farm can be re-purposed for breeding animals. Carrots, potatoes, and beetroot are usually not found until somewhat later in the game.

Crops can also be used to lure and breed various farm animals: Wheat for cows and sheep (or the rare mooshrooms), seeds (any kind) for chickens, and any of carrots, (raw) potatoes or beetroots for pigs. Carrots (or dandelions) can also be used for rabbits.

These crops can only be planted on farmland, which is produced by using a hoe on dirt or grass blocks. If there is no water nearby, farmland dries out and reverts to dirt, but only if there is no crop yet planted on it. The water can be a "still" source block, or flowing, but either needs to be within four blocks of the farmland horizontally, on the same vertical level or one level above. If farmland becomes completely dry and a crop is planted on it, the farmland does not revert to dirt. Thus, it is possible to grow crops without water (say, in the Nether) by hoeing the dirt and immediately planting a crop. The farmland does not revert until after the crop is harvested, and even so that can generally be avoided by immediately replanting. Note, however, that this "dry farming" makes crops grow slowly.

At the beginning of the game when buckets are not available, you can till the dirt at the edge of a pond or lake or river, perhaps digging a trench to extend the water supply inland or straightening the shoreline by adding or removing dirt blocks at the top layer of the water's edge. However, once the player has a comfortable amount of resources, setting up some fenced farm plots prevents mobs from trampling the crops and attacking the farmer.

A basic repeatable farm plot consists of a 99 square of farmland with the center square dug out and filled with a water source block. This gives 80 blocks of farmland which can be fenced with 40 pieces of fence including gates and is the most efficient arrangement for simple farms. For larger farms, this plot can be repeated in both the X and Z directions.

Placing torches or other light sources near the crops allows them to continue growing at night or underground, and it prevents hostile mobs from spawning near them. Planting crops in alternate rows (that is, rows separated by bare farmland or a different crop) speeds up growth as well.

Growth happens at random intervals and is affected by growing conditions. The average duration of each stage ranges from 5 minutes (in ideal conditions) to 35 minutes (in worst-case conditions). Aside from being placed on hydrated farmland, "ideal conditions" include having light sources (for night growth) and planting crops in alternate rows: each row of plants should be next to either a different crop or empty farmland. For the plants on the edges of the plot, it's also ideal to have more farmland beyond the row ends and the outer rows; however, this is rarely done since it amounts to leaving the edges of the available field empty. Full details of the growth mechanics are given below.

The basic farm plot is a 99 plot of farmland with the center block replaced by water (often surrounded by fences, making it 1111). This basic plot can be used for wheat, beetroots, carrots, or potatoes, or even for pumpkins and/or melons. As described above, it may be planted solidly, or in alternating rows for fastest total yield per area. For night growth, light may be suspended above the water block and placed around the edges. The central water hole can be covered with a bottom-slab, to avoid falling in; in recent versions, a top-slab can be placed in the water hole (that is, a waterlogged slab), for a flat surface.

To farm multiple crops in a single field's footprint, you can stack the fields making a vertical farm. One complication here is that a block is needed to hold the water on each level. A Jack o'Lantern can be used to both hold up the water and provide central lighting, or any block can have torches placed on it. The fields can be stacked with two-block or three-block spacing. Harvesting can be easily done by using a water bucket on the bottom of the lighting block (three block spacing) or the top of the waterlogged slab (two-block spacing, but must manually break the corner plants). Alternatively, you can irrigate all levels with a waterfall through the (empty) center block spaces. and provide lighting elsewhere.

The next extension of that idea is to provide a touch of automation. Expanding the field to 9x10 (with two water blocks in the middle) and stacking the fields with two-block spacing allows automating the harvest, with a double central column between the water blocks: Two jack-o-lanterns on the bottom, and two outward-facing dispensers on top , each loaded with a water bucket. The dispensers also support the water above; note that with just one central column and a 9 by 9 block farm, a single water dispenser wouldn't be able to reach all the crops. The dispensers can be triggered with buttons or tripwires; either way, they need to be on top to avoid displacing some crops with the button or hook. Adding plot borders with fences, a stairway along one edge, and four layers expands the whole system to 121212. Some notes on this scheme:

Instead of going for a 910 expansion, it is also possible to stay in the 9x9 field (11x11 fenced) footprint by adding four water dispensers on the four corners of the fence. This variation takes more dispensers to make, but all products fall into the water hole for easy collection. When you make the farm vertical, a sign can be used to contain the water while allowing the items to fall through to the bottom layer, where a hopper may lie.

Micro / Nano farms are useful when space is limited. They grow the crops by firing bonemeal at them from a dispenser. There are 2 basic designs, a semi-automatic one that requires the player to stand and plant the crops and a fully automatic one that uses villagers to do the work for you.

This farm is divided into cells of 29 plants, where each cell is flooded individually by a single piston and water block (or bucket-bearing dispenser). The drops are washed into a stream, gathering them to a single point.

On one or both sides of the stream are farming cells. The cells are separated from each other with two block high walls. If a 1-block high wall or fencing is used, some of the drops may fall onto the barrier and out of the flow. Under every wall separating the cells from each other is a source block of water, to hydrate the farmland on both sides of the wall.

In all cases, the farm must be entirely within the bounds of a village or must be more than 32 blocks away from the outer boundary of any village. Otherwise the villager attempts to make his way to the nearby village instead of tending the crops.

Farming is a huge component of the cozy MMORPG, Palia, which recently released for Open Beta. However, farming in Palia is much different than you might be used to. This is chiefly due to all crops in Palia have a unique attribute called an "effect bonus".

Crops in Palia with an effect bonus will grant a bonus to any nearby crop, such as keeping nearby crops hydrated or clear of weeds. As you could imagine, this makes planning the layout for your garden absolutely crucial. If you are really smart about it, you can even engineer a nearly self-sustaining farm!

The type of farm layout that is best for you will change gradually as you progress through Palia. Soil Plots can be pricey, and a couple of the best-selling crops cannot be unlocked until you have nearly maxed out your Gardening Skill. That's why on this page of IGN's Palia guide, we've broken down some of the best farm layouts for Palia beginners, as well as some garden layouts that are more intermediate and expert-level.

This is the best farm layout if you have been playing Palia for quite a bit now, but still have not unlocked Blueberries or Apples by reaching Gardening Level 10. At this stage in the game, you want to prioritize making profits with putting as little effort into your garden as possible.

The layout shown in the table above prioritizes retaining water and keeping your crops weed-free, so that you focus more on questing and romancing without returning to your House Plot every day-cycle to tend to your farm.

Apples and Blueberries are a game-changer for farming and making money in Palia. Both of these crops have an effect bonus which increases nearby crop's grow speed. Each Blueberry Bush can be harvested four times before it needs to be replanted, gives a minimum of six Blueberries each harvest, and sells for 39 Gold each. Meanwhile, Apple Trees can also be harvested four times in a row, gives at least sixteen Apples with each harvest, and sells for 64 Gold each.

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