The Custom Doodle for Google extension allows you to add a custom doodle for the Google homepage to prank your friends. You can add a custom text or use an animated image. Your friends will be surprised by their name or any relatable text showing up on their Google homepage. What better way to prank a friend and make them think that they are famous enough for Google to set them as their Doodle?

If the tantrums of millennials are getting on your nerves, you can use the Millennials to Snake People Chrome extension to prank your millennial friend or family member. This extension basically replaces the word millennials in Chrome with snake people. Lol!

Deletion Prank Extension Download


TrollFace Everywhere is an extension that replaces every image in Chrome with a troll face. Whenever your friend tries to open any webpage, all they will see are troll face pictures instead of regular images. Your friends will think they have been hacked or have a virus related to memes.

The Crazy Page extension will make the web page go bonkers. Your friend will be surprised to see the web page turn into an animated, rainbow-colored page with a weird cursor. Be careful! It may freak them out too much.

Want to scare the hell out of your friend? Try the Fart Attack extension. This Chrome extension plays a terrifying fart sound when you click any link. Your friend will be surprised for his/her lifetime with this extension. They will never forget the sound, especially if the computer has a high volume.

You should pin an extension to the extensions bar to access it with one click. To do so, click on the \"Extensions\" icon and press the \"Pin\" icon next to the extension. "}},{"@type": "Question","name": "2. How do I remove a Chrome extension?","acceptedAnswer": {"@type": "Answer","text": "Right-click on the extension's icon in the extensions bar and choose \"Remove from Chrome.\" Alternatively, click on the three-dot icon next to the extension and select \"Remove from Chrome.\""}},{"@type": "Question","name": "3. Can you create your own Chrome extension?","acceptedAnswer": {"@type": "Answer","text": "Yes, you can. Check our guide to learn how to write a basic Chrome extension."}}]} Is this post useful? Subscribe to our newsletter! Our latest tutorials delivered straight to your inbox

Deletion Prank is a Chrome extension that allows users to instantly delete any element on a webpage by simply clicking on it. Whether it's text, links, or more, the extension quickly removes the selected element before it can activate, enabling hilarious pranks and harmless fun.

This extension can be enabled and disabled at will within the page, unlike my other extensions. Basically, when the extension is active, any element clicked on the page will be instantaneously deleted before the browser can even activate it. This applies to text, links, and more!

PRANK is a probabilistic multiple alignment program for DNA, codon and amino-acid sequences. It is based on a novel algorithm that treats insertions correctly and avoids over-estimation of the number of deletion events. In addition, PRANK borrows ideas from maximum likelihood methods used in phylogenetics and correctly takes into account the evolutionary distances between sequences. Lastly, PRANK allows for defining a potential structure for sequences to be aligned and then, simultaneously with the alignment, predicts the locations of structural units in the sequences.

Delete System32 was an infamous scheme to trick novice PC users into falsely thinking that System32, a crucial folder needed by Windows to function properly, contained spyware from Microsoft that would collect user browsing data and needlessly slow down their computer. The prank began as Windows XP was bringing the 32-bit NT-based system into mainstream usage. Casual users who did not know much about computers often fell for it.

The System32 folder originated in Windows 2000 as an extension of the SYSTEM directory in Windows 95 and 98, but to store 32-bit versions of important files and folders used in the operation of Windows. Similarly, the Program Files folder in Windows also has an extension called Program Files (x86) to store x86 (32-bit) folders and files used by programs. The System32 folder is still an important part of more recent 64-bit versions of Windows.

The scheme gained traction in 2006 as internet trolls on 4chan wanted to see if people would fall for it. Batch file instructions were provided to bypass warnings normally provided by Windows against such harmful actions. Though the scheme fell out of practical use as more users became aware of it, the concept of the prank itself remains in tech culture as a meme.

April fools day is right around the corner and some of us might want to use the old fashioned hidden-link Rick-roll or a computer start up Rick-roll. But what about one that changes your background? I've seen many posts on Instructables, YouTube, and a couple other sites on how to make a background change. Many of these involve complicated HKEY Registry edits and some of us don't want to mess up our computers so I've found a way to do it by simple file copying. The end result of this prank will be a background change and an invisible (background) Rick-roll. Also this doesn't require an internet connection!!!!

 I've included most of the files needed for this instructable so all you really have to do is copy and paste, changing the needed areas. This instructable has been posted once by me but i removed it, in case anyone thinks this is a copy. This prank works on XP and Vista.

- J-Manoo7

For the background we will use a batch file that changes it the next time a user logs in. Here is the code:

@echo off

rem This background changing method using COPY commands only

rem and not HKEY edits is copyrighted() 2009-2059

set /a rn=%RANDOM%

if %rn% LSS 5461 GOTO pic1

if %rn% LSS 10922 GOTO pic2

if %rn% LSS 16383 GOTO pic3

if %rn% LSS 21844 GOTO pic4

if %rn% LSS 27305 GOTO pic5

GOTO pic6


COPY "%windir%\system32\core1.bmp" "%USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Wallpaper1.bmp" || msg * copy failed



COPY "%windir%\system32\core2.bmp" "%USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Wallpaper1.bmp" || msg * copy failed



COPY "%windir%\system32\core3.bmp" "%USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Wallpaper1.bmp" || msg * copy failed



COPY "%windir%\system32\core4.bmp" "%USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Wallpaper1.bmp" || msg * copy failed



COPY "%windir%\system32\core5.bmp" "%USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Wallpaper1.bmp" || msg * copy failed



COPY "%windir%\system32\core6.bmp" "%USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Wallpaper1.bmp" || msg * copy failed


this is sorta hard to explain unless you have a decent knowledge of batch commands. The start creates a random number and the "if" commands splits the random to where it has an even chance of "landing" on all 6. (In Batch programming the variable %RANDOM% put in a big random number so we want an even chance for each section of the number.) pic# is the name of the pic section that the GOTO...well goes to.

the sections (ex. :pic1) copies a picture file under the windows system32 root (this is safe to do, just don't delete anything that is there lol) and moves it to a spot where it will become the background if the user logs of and then back in leaving you time to escape : ) . the || msg * copy flailed will tell you whether or not the copy worked, this is only necessary for testing after you know it works you can remove this.

I used 6 different pictures because the random limit divided almost evenly that way. You can use any pictures you want BUT the must be .bmp otherwise this will not work! i will supply you with the 6 pictures that i used for my prank. Also, when you copy this code make sure all the lines that say COPY extend all the way to the end in notepad( or whatever you are using to save this stuff as) to the character "d" at the end of the word failed. you also need make sure you have word wrap off.

save this as pics.BAT

these pics are clipped from his music video and i didn't photoshop them at all...really.

you can get all of them, they are zipped.

EDIT: yes this method is now copyrighted so if you used this include the rem command which is a comment command (it won't affect the script) and the stuff after it, Thanks

thats about it! if you have any questions or comments feel free to ask :D

also, my batch file autoruns but i didn't find that feature so i didn't feel right to list it again under my name. I found the Autorun instructable here. Autorunning this file is very good for quickly installing the prank. For that instructable you need to use the copyr.BAT as the file that runs when the option is selected. Many thanks to Crazy L. for his instructable. And as usual i am not liable for anything that you do with this, so if you do this to your boss and he fires you, tough.

This Instructable has been submitted into the April Fool's Day contest, please vote and rate. Thanks.

- J-Manoo7

Sorry it took me so long to create the cure section, I've been pretty busy and I have had the cure made at the same time i had the rest of this prank made but was unable to post it at the time, so here it is:

@echo off

del "%USERPROFILE%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\music.BAT" || msg * deletion failed

del "%USERPROFILE%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\pics.BAT" || msg * deletion failed

del "%windir%\system32\core1.bmp" || msg * deletion failed

del "%windir%\system32\core2.bmp" || msg * deletion failed

del "%windir%\system32\core3.bmp" || msg * deletion failed

del "%windir%\system32\core4.bmp" || msg * deletion failed

del "%windir%\system32\core5.bmp" || msg * deletion failed

del "%windir%\system32\core6.bmp" || msg * deletion failed

del "%windir%\system32\alert.mp3" || msg * deletion failed

pretty straight-forward: del deletes files..specifically all the files used and if they are all gone the computer is cured because it can no longer run. Again it has the || msg * deletion failed section that lets us know if something went wrong. To sure a computer just run this file on the infected computer on the infected user AFTER the sound has finished playing, if you don't it might mess up your computer so i wouldn't take any chances.


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