31 August — 2 September 2022

Higher structures in

deformation theory

Workshop at the University of Freiburg

A three-day workshop on higher structures in deformation theory and applications

Deformation theory appears in a wide number of subject areas such as algebraic geometry, Poisson geometry and deformation quantization, symplectic topology, singularity theory and representation theory and studies the behaviour of mathematical objects (algebras, varieties, categories, ...) in families.

This workshop, funded by the Research Training Group "Cohomological Methods in Geometry", looks to bring together early-career researchers working on particular aspects or applications of higher structures in deformation theory. It is a BYODP event (Bring Your Own Deformation Problem). The scientific programme consists of one 3-lecture course on deformation theory via L∞ algebras, and one 6-lecture course by Jon Pridham on derived deformation theory as well as contributed talks by early-career researchers.

Organizers Severin Barmeier (Cologne) and Jonas Schnitzer (Freiburg).


Deformation theory via L∞ algebras

3 lectures

Severin Barmeier & Jonas Schnitzer

University of Cologne & University of Freiburg

An introduction to derived deformation theory

6 lectures

Jon Pridham

University of Edinburgh


Ryan Aziz (Université Libre de Bruxelles)
Quantum differentials on cross product Hopf algebras

Tiago Cruz (University of Stuttgart)
Ringel self-duality via relative dominant dimension

Marvin Dippell (Universität Würzburg)
Towards an HKR-Theorem for coisotropic reduction

Jiaqi Fu (Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse)
Formal moduli problems and partition Lie algebras

Wouter Rienks (University of Amsterdam)
Deformations of Fourier–Mukai transforms between Calabi–Yau varieties

Philipp Schmitt (Leibniz Universität Hannover)
Strict quantization of polynomial Poisson structures

Karandeep Singh (KU Leuven)
Stability results in geometry and differential graded Lie algebras


Computing Center, University of Freiburg, Hermann-Herder-Str. 10, 79104 Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany

All talks will take place in the Computing Center (Rechenzentrum) of the University of Freiburg.


Research Training Group Cohomological Methods in Geometry