Dataset File Structure

File Structure

Each folder named after the object contains the following structure:

  • Object name

    • Elastic modulus E

      • All raw data including the combined master files per grasp test: pickup_master.h5, reorient_master.h5, shake_master.h5, twist_master.h5

H5 Datasets (raw data from experiments)

All datasets in the h5 files have the first dimension as equal to the number of tested grasps. For each entry (corresponding to each grasp), the following data is stored:


  • pre_contact_stresses: Von Mises stress per tetrahedron, shape (num_tets,)

  • pre_contact_se: Total strain energy, shape (1,)

  • pre_contact_positions: Positions of mesh nodes, shape (num_nodes, 3)

Pre-pickup (once desired squeezing force is achieved)

  • edge_distances: [left edge_dist, right edge_dist]

  • num_gripper_contacts: [left num_contacts, right num_contacts]

  • perp_distances: [left perp_dist, right perp_dist]

  • pure_distances: [left pure_dist, right pure_dist]

  • gripper_distance_at_force: gripper_sep, shape (1,)

  • stresses_at_force: VM stress per tetrahedron, shape (num_tets,)

  • se_at_force: Total strain energy, shape (1,)


  • positions_under_gravity: shape (num_nodes, 3)

  • stresses_under_gravity: shape (num_tets,)

  • se_under_gravity: shape (1,)

  • pickup_success: shape (1,)


  • reorientation_meshes: All mesh positions recorded during reorientation, shape (16, 4, num_nodes, 3). 16 corresponds to the number of vectors, 4 is the number of rotation angles achieved per vector, 3 is for the xyz positions per node.

  • reorientation_stresses: All mesh stresses recorded during reorientation, shape (16, 5, num_tets)

Linear acceleration

  • shake_fail_accs: Acceleration at failure (ie. contact lost) under acceleration along each vector, shape (16,)

Angular acceleration

  • twist_fail_accs: Acceleration at failure (ie. contact lost) under acceleration about each vector, shape (16,)


  • timed_out: Flags whether experiment took too much time to complete, shape (1,)