AWS App Runner now supports Amazon Route 53 alias records for creating a root domain name. App Runner makes it easy for developers to quickly deploy containerized web applications and APIs to the cloud, at scale, and without having to manage infrastructure. When you create an App Runner service, by default, App Runner allocates a domain name to your service. If you have your own domain name, you can associate it to your App Runner service as a custom domain name. Now, you can use Amazon Route 53 alias record to create a root domain or subdomain for your App Runner service. For example, with alias records your App Runner service can now directly listen on which was not possible with only CNAME record support which requires you to prepend a hostname such as

You can create an Amazon Route 53 alias record for your target Domain Name System (DNS) directly from Amazon Route 53 console and choose Alias to App Runner Application to route web traffic to your App Runner service. To learn more about managing custom domain names for your App Runner service and configuring an Amazon Route 53 alias record, see App Runner custom domain names section in the developer guide. To learn more about App Runner, see the AWS App Runner Developer Guide.

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You can use Amazon Route 53 as your DNS provider to route traffic to your App Runner service. It's a highly available and scalable Domain Name System (DNS) web service. The Amazon Route 53 record contains the settings that control how traffic is routed to your App Runner service. You create either a CNAME record or an ALIAS record. For a comparison on CNAME and alias records, see Choosing between alias and non-alias records , in the Amazon Route 53 Developer Guide.

The Route 53 alias record that you created gets propagated on all Route 53 servers within 60 seconds. When the Route 53 servers are propagated with your alias record, you can route traffic to your App Runner service by using the name of the alias record that you created.

To configure Amazon Route 53 alias record using the Amazon Route 53 API or AWS CLI call the ChangeResourceRecordSets API action. To learn about the target hosted zone id of Route 53, see Service endpoints.

Cargo can also be configured through environment variables in addition to theTOML configuration files. For each configuration key of the form theenvironment variable CARGO_FOO_BAR can also be used to define the value.Keys are converted to uppercase, dots and dashes are converted to underscores.For example the target.x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.runner key can also bedefined by the CARGO_TARGET_X86_64_UNKNOWN_LINUX_GNU_RUNNER environmentvariable.

The [alias] table defines CLI command aliases. For example, running cargo b is an alias for running cargo build. Each key in the table is thesubcommand, and the value is the actual command to run. The value may be anarray of strings, where the first element is the command and the following arearguments. It may also be a string, which will be split on spaces intosubcommand and arguments. The following aliases are built-in to Cargo:

The [credential-alias] table defines credential provider aliases.These aliases can be referenced as an element of the, or as a credential provider for a specific registryunder registries..credential-provider.

If a runner is provided, executables for the target will beexecuted by invoking the specified runner with the actual executable passed asan argument. This applies to cargo run, cargo test and cargo benchcommands. By default, compiled executables are executed directly.

Many classes have shortcut names used when creating (instantiating) a class with a configuration object. The shortcut name is referred to as an alias (or xtype if the class extends Ext.Component). The alias/xtype is listed next to the class name of applicable classes for quick reference.

structure = ... the name of the monalisa molecular structure file. The basic format of the monalisa structure is .car. If no structure keyword is specified MonaLisa will try to read the .car, so in the case of the input file monalisa.inp it will by default read the structure from the All available file formats are described in Structure Files section. 

toplevel{...} (mandatory) definition of the interfaces calculating the PES of the system. This datagroup has to contain the interface = keyword. 

run{...} (mandatory) definition of the runner type. It has no default value.

In this way monalisa will interpret the variable $orca_mp2 as the text placed between quotation marks. It will internally replace every occurrence of the variable with the defined text block. One can put any text as an alias, and even put an alias in another alias, i.e.

In this case the export of the keyword does not have any advantage against the normal definition of the charge within the orca{} interface. The real power of the export commands is visible in the combination with aliases and internal interfaces.

The example below presents how to use aiases in the bsse calculations calculations, where five single point energies are needed for five subsystems: monomer1, monomer2, ghost1, ghost2 and supermolecule. Without aliases and exports this task requires five definitions of sub-interfaces (here orca). Using aliases and exports makes the input file simpler:

Amends GS 50B-2(c1), which grants authority to the chief district court judge to authorize a magistrate to hear motions for emergency ex parte relief. Requires a magistrate authorized to hear a motion for emergency relief ex parte to also accept for filing a complaint alleging domestic violence and motion for emergency relief ex parte if the office of the clerk is closed, and note thereon the filing date, and issue the summons. Requires the clerk, assistant clerk, or deputy clerk to issue any endorsement or alias and pluries summons. Requires filings accepted and orders entered by the magistrate under the statute to be delivered to the clerk's office for processing as soon as the office is open for business.

Similarly, amends GS 50C-6(d), which grants chief district court judges authority to designate a judge or magistrate to be reasonably available to issue temporary civil no-contact orders when court is not in session. Requires a magistrate authorized to issue such relief to also accept for filing a complaint for a civil no-contact order and motion for temporary civil no-contact order if the office of the clerk is closed, and note thereon the filing date, and issue the summons. Requires the clerk, assistant clerk, or deputy clerk to issue any endorsement or alias and pluries summons. Requires filings accepted and orders entered by the magistrate under the statute to be delivered to the clerk's office for processing as soon as the office is open for business.

Amends GS 58-71-140, which requires AOC to establish a statewide Electronic Bondsmen Registry for all licenses requiring registration under the statute, whereby a person can register by maintaining a record of each required license, power of appointment, or power of attorney in the Registry, including those of bondsmen, surety bondsmen, or runners. Requires license information in the Registry for bail bondsmen and insurance companies to be provided to AOC by the Commissioner of Insurance or their designee. Provides authority to execute bail bonds pursuant to the license, power of appointment, or power of attorney upon appearance in the Registry (was, when the bondsman, surety bondsman, or runner has completed registration). Eliminates reference to AOC notifying the Commissioner, who must then notify such licensees, of the Registry. Provides that upon appearance in the Registry, execution of a proposed bond is not otherwise prohibited under GS 15A-544.7(d).

Use these procedures to provide aliasing on your network. Learn howto manage entries in NIS+ tables. Also, learn how to set up an NIS map, alocal mail alias, a keyed map file, and a postmaster alias.

Use these procedures and tips to resolve problems with your mail service.Learn how to test the mail configuration, check mail aliases, test the sendmail rule sets, verify connections to other systems, and log messages.Also, learn where to look for other mail diagnostic information.

Decide how to update aliases and forward mail messages. Youmight set up an aliases mailbox as a place for users tosend requests for mail forwarding. Users could also use this mailbox to sendrequests for changes to their default mail alias. If your system uses NISor NIS+, you can administer mail forwarding, rather than requiring users tomanage mail forwarding. Administering Mail Alias Files (Task Map) provides a list of tasks that are related toaliasing. Administering .forward Files (Task Map) provides a list of tasks that are related to managing .forward files.

Refer to Administering Mail Alias Files (Task Map) for a task map about administering mailalias files. Note that the mail.local program automaticallycreates mailboxes in the /var/mail directory the firsttime a message is delivered. You do not need to create individual mailboxesfor your mail clients.

If this script is not successful in identifying the fully qualifiedhost name, you need to add the fully qualified host name as the first aliasfor the host in /etc/hosts. If you need help with thisstep, refer to Step 4 of How to Set Up a Mail Host.

The DNS name service does not support aliases for individuals.This name service does support aliases for hosts or domains that use MailExchanger (MX) records and CNAME records. You can specifyhost names, domain names, or both names in the DNS database. For more informationabout sendmail and DNS, see Interactions of sendmail With Name Services in Chapter 14, Mail Services (Reference), or see the System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP).

Edit the /etc/nsswitch.conf file and removethe # from the hosts definition thatincludes the dns flag. The host entry mustinclude the dns flag, as the following example shows,in order for the DNS host aliases to be used. be457b7860

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